American Monetary Association

Jason Hartman talks with David Morgan, publisher of The Morgan Report and author of The Silver Manifesto and Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big Money from the Coming Gold and Silver Shock-Wave, about what's happening in the metals market and what that says about our current economy.

Key Takeaways:

[1:06] What does the current state of metals tell us about stocks, real estate, and our economy?

[6:07] Why aren't gold and silver making big moves right now?

[9:36] Silver as just money does well against gold. As a commodity, however, not so much

[13:26] Why David prefers silver to gold as a metal

[17:33] It wouldn't take much of an interest rate move to crash the market

[21:29] The current state of platinum and paladium


Direct download: AMA_405_David_Morgan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08am EST

Jason Hartman, real estate expert, continues his examination of the Hartman Risk Evaluator with George Gammon. Hear about how using this metric will help you avoid unnecessary risk in your investments.


Direct download: AMA_404_Gammon2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54pm EST

Jason Hartman, real estate expert, reveals HOW YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY WITH LESS RISK! On this episode of the Rebel Capitalist Show with George Gammon, Jason takes a deep dive into his "Risk Evaluator" for real estate. If you're interested in real estate investing this is a MUST LISTEN.


Direct download: AMA_403_Gammon1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:28pm EST

We have gone from an Everything Bubble to an Everything Shortage. The problem this time around is, there's nothing our central bank can do to handle a supply shortage causing prices to rise.

Jason Hartman examines the issues currently facing the housing market, and how it's going to impact it not just today, but in the months and years to come. How are you going to protect yourself from the coming inflation and looming shortages?

Key Takeaways:

[2:17] Self-liquidating debt is a beautiful thing that we can use in income property

[6:23] Even concrete is in demand because of a short supply of SAND

[11:14] The "just in time delivery" can't withstand any disruptions

[15:51] Technology creates the ability for a level of control over us that's never been seen before

[17:48] Surging inflation is hitting the US now

[22:37] The Federal Reserve doesn't have the monetary toolkit to deal with supply side inflation


Direct download: AMA_402_Inflation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:14am EST