American Monetary Association

Bill Cheney of John Hancock Financial guest stars on the American Monetary Association show today to talk about economics. Bill has been a chief economist for the company John Hancock well over the past 27 years and talks a little bit about his experience and where he sees the financial market in the future. 


Key Takeaways:

2:30 – The current unemployment rate is understated because many people have their own solo-gigs or unsteady work. 

9:25 – What Bill is seeing in his surveys are that people are more likely to invest and feel less concerned about today's market.

12:58 – The stock market is not overvalued as long as company profits keep growing.

15:20 – Bill feels we are not a healthy economy yet, but we are a healing one. 

21:00 – Over the years people have been able to buy more stuff, which is why inflation has been adjusted accordingly. 

24:00 – The CPI is the best way to measure how much our lives have improved over the years.  



Mentioned In This Episode: 


The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

Direct download: AMA_94_Bill_Cheney_of_John_Hancock_Financial.mp3
Category:Audio Podcast -- posted at: 9:31am EST

In the today’s American Monetary Association Show, Jason Hartman speaks to author and former Department of Justice attorney, Sidney Powell. Together, they dive into some of the most scandalous and outrageous cases which have based through the Department of Justice in recent decades. Step-by-step, they overview several of the cases featured in Powell’s book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice and consider the true state of our society.



01.30 – Sidney Powell’s book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, deals with some of the most scandalous and historic events to come out of the United States’ Department of Justice.

9.50 – Within the Merrill Lynch case, it got to the point where favourable statements were hidden for six years while four Merrill Lynch executives were sent to prison without even a listed criminal offence.

13.30 – Sometimes there are two sides to a story and you need to dig a little deeper to find out what really happened.

17.25 – You have to question when a judge says he’s never had such a fine person before him for sentencing, and then passes a sentence.

20.50 – (Project on Government Oversight) has identified over 400 instances of misconduct by prosecutors in the last decade.

22.30 – Despite having a criminal conviction against his name a few days before the re-election, Ted Stevens only lost his place on the Senate by a few votes.

28.15 – The Bar associations are less than useless in these situations because they just give the same response.

32.30 – Judge Sullivan is turning around the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the IRS and doing his best to achieve a just result.

34.40 – There are too many aspects of the IRS case that just seem conveniently timed for it to be believable.

35.10 – Many of Sidney’s articles about these issues can be found at

37.10 – If the IRS is being used to target political opponents, who gave that order?

39.15 – Information about the book and how to purchase it can be found at Tweet Sidney using the handle @SidneyPowell1 and be sure to ‘like’ Licensed to Lie on Facebook.


Direct download: AMA_93_Sidney_Powell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

Today’s American Monetary Association program features the founder and editor of Stray Reflections, Jawad Mian, as a guest. He and host, Jason Hartman discuss the current and potential state of Dubai and the rest of the United Arab Emirates before moving on to consider some of the biggest consumer investment issues facing today’s society and looking at the future of bitcoin.



Key Takeaways


05.00 – A lot of the developments and changes happening to Dubai are to provide the desired lifestyle for the growing expatriate community there.

08.00 – Each of the Emirates in the UAE has different societal structures which lead to a different overall feeling of the country.

15.00 – Tourism remains one of the largest and most profitable industries in the Middle East.

17.20 – Transportation and particularly transportation of goods or consumer items is one of the biggest draws in oil reserves.

18.30 – In some ways, bit-coin seems attractive as an alternative currency, but the FBI and the IRS’s insistence that it is taxable property definitely alters some people’s view of it.

22.00 – The volatility of bitcoin as a prospective currency makes it particularly unattractive to merchants.

25.30 – The alleged main aim of bitcoin is to have an economy free from the government, but in the event of any incidents occurring, the only way they could get out from it is with government assistance.

27.10 – For more information about investing strategies and themes, head to

Direct download: AMA_92_Jawad_D_Mian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am EST