American Monetary Association

In the first part of Jason Hartman's interview with Moneyball economist Andrew Zatlin, the two of them take a deep look at what's going on in the housing market through the lens that Andrew uses. He looks at hiring patterns of home builders, and has seen a distinct problem in their search for labor. So many industries are hunting for labor that it's creating a bottleneck.

The two also look at short-term rentals, hotel vacancies, the Fed's monetary policy, and what's creating the demand for housing.

Key Takeaways:

[1:16] Andrew likes to check in with companies about what they're doing in regards to hiring

[3:45] Home builders can't hire enough people right now. The bottleneck is labor because there's a LOT of competition for it

[6:42] One question we need to ask is: what's creating all this demand for housing?

[10:47] The environment today makes it more attractive to buy rather than rent

[16:37] Do short-term rental providers need to worry about oversupply?

[18:56] Hotel vacancy rates tipped into the negatives this past year because of short-term rentals exploding in popularity

[21:36] Demand will create supply, but sometimes supply can create demand

[25:27] The Fed is on a trajectory of tightening


Direct download: AMA_213_Andrew_Zatlin_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

Jason Hartman welcomes Connor Boyack, author of the Tuttle Twins children's book series, and founder of Libertas Insitute, to discuss the need for education about our rights and liberties to be taught to children at a young age. The Tuttle Twin series is aimed at taking important pieces of adult literature and distilling them into key points to emphasize in a way a child can understand.

Jason and Connor dive into subject matter including how government and powerful entities erode our freedoms through fear, whether cryptocurrencies will stick around for the long haul, and how we can actually act to improve our situation.

Key Takeaways:

[2:08] Critical thinking is on the outs in our society

[4:52] The way the system has been set up is totally rigged and takes too much effort to fully understand

[8:50] As a society we have no incentives to change our ways

[10:48] Connor's life as a prepper was not a healthy one, and why he likes cryptocurrency

[14:00] Jason doesn't believe cryptocurrency will truly catch on because it's a director competitor with central banks and governments

[18:14] Will governments shut down cryptocurrencies?

[21:16] The government is eroding our freedoms in the name of "protecting the little people"

[24:49] Some more subtle ways in which our fears are being used against us, such as avian flu, swine flu, Y2K, etc

[28:11] Europe has become a disaster through socialism, immigration, and political correctness

[29:39] Connor's long play to improve society

Website: (promo code "liberty")

The flip side of having individual liberty is having personal responsibility and accountability

We are so acted upon, rather than acting

Direct download: AMA_212_Connor_Boyack.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Daniel Amerman, CFA, about the need for legitimate economic data and whether we can get any of that from the government. The two also take a deep look at our nation's rising debt and what that means for the US currency moving forward.

Key Takeaways:

[2:42] Daniel recently reverse engineered the Congressional Budget Office's long term economic outlooko

[6:32] Is the CBO a credible source of information?

[8:41] Technically there's no such thing as an unfunded liability

[13:47] What does a heavily indebted nation mean for the investor?

[15:57] "It's crucially clear that, when you have a $20 trillion national debt, that interest rates can't rise too much"

[19:48] Why Jason hates hedonic indexes

[23:39] There's a lot of inflation that we either don't see or we don't acknowledge

[28:12] A 2% higher rate of inflation is magic for maintaining financial solvency

[31:23] When everyone learned that stocks were the magic wealth building machine they bid the prices of stocks so high the dividends crashed, which ruined the wealth creation

[34:02] Daniel is a huge fan, not of income property, but of the mortgage


Direct download: AMA_211_Daniel_Amerman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

In this 10th episode interview, Jason talks with serial entrepreneur Peter Sage, author of 5 Keys to Master Your Life, about his recent 6 month stay in jail and how he was able to use that as a teaching (and learning) experience for himself, the inmates, and his students.

The two touch on the importance of identity, the need for ego strength & ego drive, what drives people, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[2:29] Peter's latest "adventure" that landed him in jail

[6:55] Identity plays a huge part in how you deal with life

[12:46] Peter's idea of a "contrast frame"

[15:03] Why do people give up at the first sign of adversity? The difference between ego strength & ego drive

[17:14] Most people are driven by G.O.O.P.

[21:37] We need to learn how to love more


Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Direct download: AMA_210_Peter_Sage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST