American Monetary Association

Jason welcomes Linda P. Jones to the show. Linda is a podcaster and financial expert who teaches others how to have a wealthy mindset and how to build wealth the right way. She became a multimillionaire by the age of 39 and talks to Jason about her stock market background, six steps to building wealth, and where the US dollar is going. 


Key Takeaways:

2:30 – Linda realized early on that mutual funds weren't going to make her rich. 

4:30 – People who are overly cheap or frugal do not have a wealthy mindset. 

9:30 – Linda shares her story on how she made money in stocks. 

14:20 – Even if you have a full-time job, having a side hustle is a great way to begin creating wealth. 

16:45 – About every 8.5 years the US sees a financial cycle. 

20:50 – Linda is a big fan of gold and silver and she explains why they're a great investment. 

 25:10 – The only reason the US has so much power is because they have a monopoly on money. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Money Love by Jerry Gillies

Direct download: AMA2011120Linda20P.20Jones.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

Jason Hartman invites Jeff Desjardins on to the American Monetary Association podcast today to talk about the neat infographics Jeff's company produces. Jeff is the president of Visual Capitalist and many of his infographics have been featured on Ink Magazine, Business Insider, Wall Street Journal, and other news outlets. Jason and Jeff talk about Visual Capitalist, Bitcoin, and more on today's episode. 


Key Takeaways:

2:15 – Jeff explains what Visual Capitalist is. 

5:45 – The infographics that Jeff's company produces are usually based on complex topics people have a hard time grasping. 

8:30 – Advertising with Visual Capitalist is more cost effective than on more main stream media websites. 

10:40 – Jeff talks about his favorite infographic that he and his team worked on. 

14:50 – Jason and Jeff talk about Bitcoin in this segment. 

15:45 – Jeff explains the hype cycle in technologies. 

19:55 – Jason would love to be wrong about Bitcoin, but you simply can't invest in it just yet. 

21:00 – A lot of people learn best visually, so Jeff would like to produce more content for them in the future. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: AMA2011020Jeff20Desjardins.mp3
Category:Audio Podcast -- posted at: 11:51am EST

Ahu Yildirmaz is the Head of the ADP Research Institute. She has some great insight about the workforce market and gives the audience a sense of where the job growth is really happening in the United States and why. Ahu talks about how there's a lot of growth happening in both the South and West regions in the United States. Ahu also tells the audience that there is a gender gap between male and female hiring rates and explains why this might be on today's show with Jason Hartman. 


Key Takeaways:

2:15 – Ahu talks about where she gets her data from in the employment reports that ADP produces. 

5:25 – Are people working more full-time or part-time hours? Ahu breaks it down. 

9:00 – Northeast and Midwest are lagging in terms of job growth. 

12:45 – Texas is doing exceptionally well right now. 

14:45 – Job growth is happening a lot faster for men than for women. 

16:15 – Why is there a gender gap? Ahu and Jason give their opinions on the matter. 

20:25 – When the economy is not good, employers are looking for people with experience so they don't have to spend resources on training new arrivals. 

22:45 – Ahu thinks robotic technology will be good for the job market. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: AMA2010920Ahu20Yildirmaz.mp3
Category:Audio Podcast -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

Dr. Windsor Holden is the Head of Consultancy & Forecasting with Juniper Research. He has written over 40 full-length reports while working with Juniper Research and he talks about one of his pieces, Mobile Commerce Markets, with Jason on the show today. Jason and Windsor talk about the future of mobile payments, Bitcoin, and how people can look forward to securer online transactions. 


Key Takeaways:

1:45 – What's the latest on mobile commerce? 

4:30 – Windsor explains what host card emulation is and why it's better. 

6:20 – The involvement of Apple and Apple pay means that the mobile commerce industry will be improving a lot faster. 

9:00 – Bitcoin has many hurdles to over come before it can be adopted by the mass market. 

11:00 – Bitcoin fluctuates more than gold or any other currency. 

12:30 – Windsor predicts that we will see a lot more tokenization in the future and less third party 


14:00 – Windsor gives out his website and how you can get his latest report on the mobile commerce market. 

16:10 – Mobile commerce and paying online will be much more simple, secure, and user friendly in the future.


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: AMA20108.mp3
Category:Audio Podcast -- posted at: 7:23pm EST