Fri, 29 December 2017
Jason Hartman talks with Ryan Schellhous, founder at IndigoSpire CPAs & Advisors, about the new tax plan. The two start off with a 30,000 foot overview of the plan, then drill down into specific components of the plan as they figure out who is going to be helped and who may not see as much of a benefit under the plan. Ryan explains the biggest revenue raisers and "losers" under the new bill, and some of the most important pieces that will impact individual filers. Key Takeaways: [3:10] The 30,000 foot overview of the GOP Tax Reform [5:06] Will this tax reform create a repatriation of wealth back to the US? [8:56] The move that mobilized the GOP forces toward tax reform [10:53] The 2nd most important thing in the tax plan was the widening of tax brackets and lowering of rates for individuals [13:03] The standard deducation has been increased, which should increase the number of simple 1040s being filed [16:04] The single largest revenue raiser in the entire bill [18:16] The change in mortgage interest deductions could cause a dampening in the high end real estate market [20:46] The Alternative Minimum Tax isn't gone, but it's gone through an overhaul [22:38] Pass-through businesses are getting a 20% deduction [29:36] The accelerated bonus depreciation is enormous for real estate investors [33:08] Changes to the 1031 Exchange rule [37:12] The carried interest rules have changed as well, impacting the hedge fund managers trading techniques [39:00] 529 plans (education plans for children) can now be used to pay for private schools [39:34] Some tax changes that were EXPECTED but didn't end up happening Website: |
Fri, 22 December 2017
Bitcoin is in the news, and there's an amazing rush on cryptocurrencies and seemingly a new coin coming out every day. So it's becoming more obvious that we're in a bubble. But what's the real future of cryptocurrencies? Jason Hartman talks to Tama Churchouse, co-founder of Churchouse Publishing Limited and lead cryptocurrency analyst at Stansberry Churchouse Research, about what's going on in the world of cryptocurrency. Tama explains the differences between things like Bitcoin and Etherium, and the two look into what the government's future role in cryptocurrency will look like. Key Takeaways: [1:14] Why is there a sudden runup in cryptocurrencies? [5:53] The average transaction fee for Bitcoin is making it impossible to scale [9:58] There are currently over 1,500 different cryptocurrencies with a market cap of around $520 billion [11:54] There are currently protocols being written on the blockchain that you can buy into [14:28] An explanation of "CryptoKitties" and how it can be applied to other avenues [15:58] Etherium created a standardized token and how it's aiding in ICOs [18:06] Etherium doesn't scale and is expensive to use, creating some serious drawbacks [19:20] How Tama learned about cryptocurrency [26:01] Is decentralized decision making really a good idea or will it just bog everything down? [30:14] Cryptocurrency isn't really a great investment at the moment (perhaps it will become one), so what do we do with it today? [32:34] Bitcoin mania has people declaring it a storer of value, but it takes at LEAST a generation to be able to make such a claim [34:54] Will the government let cryptocurrencies go on (and can they even squash it if they try)? [38:03] Tama believes 2018 will bring a wave of regulations on to cryptocurrencies [40:52] How Tama would destroy Bitcoin if he really wanted to [43:46] One cryptocurrency you SHOULD NOT BUY Website: "The government doesn't like competition in anything, especially currency" "ICOs are, by far and away, Etherum's biggest proof of concept use case at the moment" |
Fri, 15 December 2017
Jason Hartman talks with Ed Mermelstein, founding partner of Rheem Bell & Mermelstein LLP, about what the GOP tax plan will likely do to foreign investment in US real estate. Ed describes how foreign investors are CURRENTLY investing in the US, and whether this plan will make the money flow in to the country or go running away to other countries. This impact will have especially large effects on big name markets like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Key Takeaways: [1:26] Will the proposed tax plan make the US real estate market more or less attractive to foreign investors? [3:41] The typical business designation that foreign investors use [6:15] Why some changes in deductions will effect investment in big cities like NY, LA, SF [9:21] Which countries some of the major US markets get most of their foreign investment dollars from, and how the investors are using their properties [13:24] Are any foreign governments buying US real estate? [16:26] The US is in a sweet spot where European and Asian investors will invest, but it doesn't go overboard because of logistics like time differences and distance Website: Foreign investment tends to sometimes make the news in a negative manner, but we should also consider the benefits of foreign investment in the United States |
Fri, 8 December 2017
There seems to be a new cryptocurrency popping up every week, with markets being discovered, and new algorithms occurring all the time. There's a new player in town, however, and it's serving a market that so far has been avoided, and that's Christianity. Jason Hartman talks with Luke Forstmann, co-founder of Christ Coin, about what his cryptocurrency is based on, how you get it, how their currency actually gives back to communities, and the plethora of ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) that are popping up. Key Takeaways: [1:08] How the cryptocurrency craze now is similar to the internet craze in the late-90s, early 2000s [3:42] What is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering), and when does it happen? [8:52] What happened during Christ Coin's ICO? [9:43] How do you set the initial price on something like Christ Coin? [11:54] What is the LifeChange platform Christ Coin is utilizing? [15:41] How do you get/earn Christ Coins? [19:17] What it means when you buy Christ Coins, and how you can track its impact Websites:
Wed, 6 December 2017
2018's Meet the Masters event was already packed with great speakers like Jason Hartman, Garrett Sutton, Brian Smith, Danielle DiMartino-Booth, John Burns, and more. Today, Jason Hartman is proud to announce that former Congressman (and America's foremost advocate for liberyt) Ron Paul will be joining the fold to headline the event. Ron Paul was most recently a Republican candidate for President in 2008 and 2012, and served in the US House of Representatives for Texas for more than 25 years in all. He is a critic of policies like the USA Patriot Act and has criticized the federal governments fiscal policies a multitude of times. He's also outspoken against Federal Reserve, and the US tax code. Website: |
Fri, 1 December 2017
Jason welcomes client, Clay Slocum to the show. Clay is a millennial who currently has four properties in his real estate portfolio. Before buying his first property, Clay worked diligently with Oscar, his Investment Counselor, and a Local Market Specialist to play around with the numbers and he discovered his initial investment could grow exponentially. Clay shares his insights on the power of compounding interest, asset protection, and the Memphis market. Key Takeaways: [2:15] Compound interest can be a powerful tool against inflation. [7:57] Engineers take an analytical approach to investing. [10:07] After 18 years, $100,000 grow to 14 million. [17:28] Jason explains a Deferred Sales Trust. [21:24] If you are on the fence about investing talk with an investment counselor. [32:18] Asset Protection is a complicated subject you should speak with a lawyer about. [41:43] Resources for tax help. Website: Meet the Masters of Income Property 2018
"When it comes to asset protection most people think about the internal threat, not the external threat which can be costlier." |