American Monetary Association

Now that we're past Christmas, Jason Hartman takes a look at the amazing economy the North Pole is able to have. With massive exports and limited imports, it's truly impressive what they've been able to do. The main thing the North Pole has that no other country has is big data. What they have puts the companies like Facebook to shame.


Economics Explained: The Economy of the North Pole on YouTube

Direct download: AMA_302_North_Pole.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Thomas Jones, former vice chairman and director of TIAA-CREF, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Investment Management at Citigroup, and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Asset Management. He was also the former Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Jason and Thomas discuss Thomas' entrance into real estate, why Thomas is so bullish on America long term, and what sets America apart from the rest of the world.

Key Takeaways:

[2:09] Thomas and his bride actually started by bidding on 2 burned out buildings in Boston

[7:27] Thomas is perennially bullish long term, so dips in the economy are buying opportunities for him

[9:39] The changes on Wall Street over the years

[13:48] The most disappointing aspect to the reforms that have been made since the Great Recession

[18:57] One of the things that really sets America apart is the excited entrepreneurial spirit

[23:13] America faced a metaphorical crossroads in the late 1960s

[26:03] Our nation doesn't give itself enough credit for how far we've come, even though we still have a ways to go


From Willard Straight to Wall Street on Facebook

From Willard Straight to Wall Street

Direct download: AMA_301_Thomas_Jones.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks to in-house economist Thomas about interest rates. There's been some movement up and some movement down, but Thomas has an opinion on where he thinks rates will go in 2020 and why he believes that.

Key Takeaways:

[1:10] The Fed only indirectly influences mortgage rates

[3:09] Why Thomas believes mortgage rates will go up in 2020

[5:20] The 2 Central Bank forces that will push inflation back up

[7:47] Why a $315 billion drop in money supply is important even though it's not much of a percentage of worldwide supply


Direct download: AMA_299_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Peter Hirshberg, founder of Maker City® Project and CEO and co-founder of, about Opportunity Zones and how they work with constructing cities. Jason and Peter explore how the incentives were created and why they are crucial to the success of projects like Opportunity Zones.

Key Takeaways:

[1:56] Economic reinvention is a bottom up thing as people found what they were good at and innovators moved into the city

[6:08] Why you have to create incentives like those the Opportunity Zone offers

[10:10] Why real estate matters


Direct download: AMA_298_Peter_Hirshberg.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Steve Glickman, Senior Economic Advisor to President Barack Obama and chief architect of the Opportunity Zone project, about how the Opportunity Zone system works, the definition of an Opportunity Zone and what benefits the program provides for real estate investors.

Key Takeaways:

[1:14] There are now 8,766 Opportunity Zones across the US

[5:31] There are about 300 Opportunity Zone funds targeting $65 billion and have raised about 15% so far. How big is this expected to get?

[8:28] The 2 big factors in why zone based programs become unsuccessful

[10:16] What is the Opportunity Zone program?

[13:23] Will Opportunity Zones exacerbate gentrification?


Direct download: AMA_297_Steve_Glickman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Brian Beaulieu, author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline and CEO of ITR Economics, about what's really going on in our economy right now. It's not as doom and gloom as some people have made it out to be, and it wasn't so a few years back. Brian explains what indicators you should really be paying attention to and what's coming up in 2020 as well.

Key Takeaways:

[2:14] What is the next cycle going to be?

[5:27] The G7 leading indicator is something you should be watching

[9:55] The peculiarity of the trade tariffs that have been imposed

[13:06] Globalization is under severe negative pressure


Direct download: AMA_296_Brian_Beaulieu.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am EST

Jason Hartman and Investment Counselor Doug take a look at the danger of manias, especially when it comes to investing in startup companies (like WeWork). It's easy to get caught up in rising valuations and the like, but it's also easy to lose a whole lot doing so.

Jason and Doug then discuss the Wealth Simulation exercise that was held at Profits in Paradise, including lessons learned about the method of building your portfolio that will set you up for the greatest wealth.

Key Takeaways:

[2:22] WeWork is a great example of why you should follow Commandment 21: Thou Shalt Avoid Manias

[7:17] Don't fall for the company line of how they're going to change the world. Voluntary exchange with a company changes the world on its own

[10:24] Don't be fooled by the resume or the amount of money that's being pumped into a company when making investment decisions

[11:57] Blogcast: Housing vs Shelter

[19:22] How the Wealth Simulation exercise worked

[23:23] One of the top strategies in the wealth simulation game was a mixture of linear and hybrid markets so you could take advantage of cash flow and appreciation

[29:35] You don't have to have too many properties before you're at the point where you're dealing with the law of large numbers


Direct download: AMA_295_Doug.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Hernando De Soto, founder and President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy and author of The Mystery of Capital:, about the elements of capitalism that are most important and how property rights are absolutely essential. They also discuss the growing sentiment toward socialism in the United States and what impact that could have.

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] The 5 mysteries of capital

[6:35] Capitalism is one of the few (if not only) systems that gives the lower classes a chance against the rich

[13:07] What we do as capitalists does not translate to what we do in politics

[17:53] The issue of equal opportunity for capital has to be addressed for capitalism to regain its popularity


Direct download: AMA_294_Hernando_de_Soto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Daniel Ameduri, co-founder of Future Money Trends newsletter and author of Don't Save For Retirement: A Millennial's Guide to Financial Freedom, about how the working environment has changed from the Baby Boomers to Millennials and how the Millennial generation need to change their mindset about retirement in order to not be left behind when they're ready to leave the rat race.

Key Takeaways:

[4:02] What does Daniel mean when he tells people not to save for retirement???

[8:16] Beware financial advisers, there's more education required to be a hair stylist

[12:59] Millennials should embrace the freelance economy

[17:18] Daniel is seeing boom time for the next year


Direct download: AMA_293_Daniel_Ameduri.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Richard Rahn, Advisor to former President George HW Bush and Chief Economist of US Chamber of Commerce for Ronald Reagan, about his thoughts on digital currencies and whether they will ever full grab hold in the United States with the power of the government. They also discuss Richard's time in politics and why he left the White House.

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] When Richard started being interested in what would eventually become cryptocurrency

[8:23] The government could target any one of us because most people are committing crimes they don't even know about. But going after encrypted peer-to-peer transactions would be impossible

[12:16] Why does Richard think Bitcoin won't be the answer?

[13:29] Richard's time in the Reagan and Bush administration


Direct download: AMA_292_Richard_Rahn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Doug about short-term debt cycles and what's going on with our economic expansion that's been happening for years. It's been going on for a long time, and at some point it's going to turn, so how do we recognize it?

Key Takeaways:

[2:10] The Wealth Effect in a booming economy

[4:44] What precipitates the turn of the economy?

[11:05] The principles that drive the stock market are the same ones that drive real estate

[14:40] Can GDP growth and stock market growth have diverging rates of growth for extended periods?

[19:57] The primary reason this economic expansion has gone on so long is that it hasn't been inflationary

[26:16] The looming pension crisis


Invest with Sven Carlin, Ph.D.

Direct download: AMA_291_Doug.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

In today's 10th episode, Jason Hartman talks with Etienne Deffarges, author of Untangling the USA: The Cost of Complexity & What to Do About It, about some of the most pressing issues facing the country, such as health care and our banking system. They look at what exactly is causing the issues, but don't just focus on the problems. Etienne and Jason also discuss the most important part of the problems: their solutions.

Key Takeaways:

[2:26] We as a society make things much more complex than we need

[7:51] Etienne's solution for health care

[14:04] How can we improve the world of finance?

[18:15] Etienne is in favor of banks having to have a higher equity to debt requirements

[21:35] With all of these problems in the world, what's the solution?


Direct download: AMA_290_Etienne_Deffarges.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27am EST

Jason Hartman and Adam examine the Investopedia article referring to the 9 common effects of inflation. The 2 types of inflation (cost-push and demand-pull) are also broken down in regards to how they impact your property value and rent.

Then the two examine what impact the Trade War with China could have on the markets properties are available in. If production from overseas come back to the United States, where are we likely to see the impact?

Key Takeaways:

[3:40] The 9 common effects of inflation

[8:36] The land value is the one that's susceptible to big swings in value

[12:10] Cost-push versus demand-pull inflation

[15:19] How the Trade War could create cost-push inflation in the linear markets we're investing in

[18:34] If China ever manages to create a middle class they're going to have to deal with a new set of issues, which might make them an inopportune producer

[23:21] When labor shortages hit construction it can make it incredibly expensive to build a house and retain the workers needed

[28:00] Once the Trade War has ended, look at what job sectors are going to be impacted most and adjust your investing strategy accordingly


9 Common Effects of Inflation on Investopedia

Direct download: AMA_289_Inflation_Trade_War.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

After giving a quick update on his cruise travels, Jason Hartman talks with Taylor St Germain, economic analyst at ITR Economics, about why lower interest rates haven't spurred the higher end housing market. The two also discuss what indicators Taylor looks at to get a gauge on the economy and the impact tariffs have had and may still have yet to come.

Key Takeaways:

[1:04] Are lower interest rates good news for cyclical markets or are they just too overpriced?

[5:31] The rise in wages has helped the economy but it's not changing the overall trend or forecasts

[9:29] Why are housing starts so important?

[14:34] ITR's concerns with the tariffs currently being put in place

[18:50] More tariffs could potentially put us in a recession, so be very careful if we see more coming


Direct download: AMA_288_Taylor_Germain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:25pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam today break down a video about how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac influence the housing market in the United States. While their publicly stated goal is to make housing in the country more affordable, are they really doing that? Listen in to find out.

Key Takeaways:

[1:19] Fannie Mae Going Away?

[3:39] The idea that we need a high home ownership rate is a false idea

[8:11] How Fannie Mae props up the housing market

[12:53] Fannie & Freddie have a stated goal of making housing more affordable, but they don't do that at all

[22:24] If you're investing for yield rather than capital gains, the price of the house has much less importance

[25:30] The importance of sustainable investing


How Fannie & Freddie Prop Up America's Favorite Mortgage by Wall Street Journal

Direct download: AMA_286_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

Jason Hartman and Investment Counselor Carrie take a look at some of the prime markets where first time buyers are looking to buy, with several of them being markets his network is currently selling properties. Then the two look into some responses from listeners about some personal information they shared before coming to Meet the Masters as Jason tries to learn more about his friends.

Key Takeaways:

[1:34] Where first time buyers are looking to buy

[5:11] Terminology that Jason thinks needs to be used

[8:22] Tampa made the list of places people are looking to live, and it's also a market Jason's group is looking at potentially going into

[14:29] The Millennial Struggle House and Home Blogcast

[20:04] Some responses from the Meet the Masters question about some interesting facts about attendees

[24:15] What life lesson Jason learned from his mom when learning to fly


Direct download: AMA_285_Carrie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Doug about why there's been a decline in inventory and what shortages are abound in the housing market. In examining several videos about the housing market and economy, Jason and Doug also look at what impact privatizing mortgages could have and housing affordability in Canada.

Key Takeaways:

[4:06] The big housing shortage is not in McMansions, it's in the 100k range

[4:31] The problem with waiting for the next recession

[12:22] Inventory has declined, which has caused upward pressure on prices

[18:42] When large developers start building an area, they have to keep the sales going in order to make money, so prices can fluctuate

[22:38] The potential impact of privatizing is a prevention of markets overheating


Email your Spam to

Direct download: AMA_284_Doug.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Laurence Kotlikoff, William Fairfield Warren Professor and Professor of Economics at Boston University, about the massive amount of unfunded mandates that are awaiting the United States. Currently he has that number pegged around $239 trillion, and there are only a few ways that can be resolved.

They also discuss how his software, Maxifi, can help those people who are planning toward retirement. Laurence explains the intricacies, assumptions that many people don't make when factoring in their savings.

Key Takeaways:

[1:29] The most recent number the unfunded mandates are going to cost

[8:24] Does Laurence believe in Supply-Side Economics?

[11:33] Consuming your way to prosperity has never worked before and won't now

[14:52] How Laurence would have dealt with the collapse of Lehman Brothers to calm the public's response to the start of the Great Recession

[18:36] Laurence's take on Jason's 6 ways the government can get out of its hole

[24:07] Is the future inflationary?

[25:34] What do we need to do to plan for the future?

[31:52] How much time it takes to input your data into Maxifi

[35:28] Many people are saving too much for their later life because they're scared


Jason Hartman's Real Estate Investor Update Alexa Skill

Direct download: AMA_283_Laurence_Kotlikoff.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang about some of his policy proposals, including the huge idea of Universal Basic Income, the erradication of income tax and the implementation of a VAT.

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] How Universal Basic Income is different than the welfare state and why libertarians would support it

[5:11] Would income taxes go away if Andrew's VAT goes into effect?

[9:56] Andrew supports UBI because automation is taking away so many jobs

[14:40] The war on normal people

[21:06] How the UBI will offset any deficit it creates


Direct download: AMA_282_Andrew_Yang.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with G Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, about corporate scams. Too many people hide behind the veil that corporations offer; ripping off consumers and shareholders and letting the company take the punishment. G Edward and Jason discuss this topic, as well as how we can actually change things to allow society to hold those responsible accountable.

Key Takeaways:

[3:06] It can perfectly legal to extract millions of dollars from a company while the shareholders value drops to 0

[6:12] Trying to punish "the corporation" just means that shareholders get hurt

[8:39] How do we hold someone accountable when a corporation does something bad?

[10:27] How to actually make change happen to fix this problem

[13:35] Governments have a perpetual lien on your property. There's no such thing as owning something "free and clear"

[19:33] What is reasoning behind people like Soros when they pump money into politics?

[22:09] The Fabian Socialist Society believed you took over society gradually

[25:48] At what point is it proper for the state to intervene?


Direct download: AMA_281_G_Edward_Griffin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Robert Greene, author of the new book The Laws of Human Nature as well as New York Times bestsellers like The 48 Laws of Power and The 33 Strategies of War, about how to approach people to put yourself in the best position for success as well as how to best change your life and circumstances. Robert goes over a few of his 18 laws to help you on your way.

Key Takeaways:

[3:47] Misjudging people is extremely expensive, and it's getting even harder to do with everything becoming virtual

[6:07] Thinking about what other people need or are going through is one of the most important life skills you can develop

[9:21] When you ask someone for anything, they are naturally going to be resistant

[12:26] We are emotional creatures, largely governed by our emotions

[23:59] You can change your own life and circumstances by working on your attitude

[27:35] The biggest impediment in people's lives is the inability to affect or influence the people around them


Direct download: AMA_180_Robert_Greene.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am EST

Jason Hartman and in-house economist Thomas take today's episode to examine the 10 things that are happening in the US and abroad that are making the most impact in 2019. Among them are the US/China trade war, interest rates, the Mueller Report, millennial household formations, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[1:05] The best thing that's happened so far in 2019 is lower interest rates

[3:46] Household formation for millennials is looking really good for investors

[6:28] The Fed being receptive of market conditions has been a good omen for 2019

[11:21] The 3% GDP growth they said we needed to "pay" for the Trump tax cuts happened

[14:20] Blogcast on Creative Destruction

[20:16] The Mueller Report's impact on the housing market

[22:58] The US needs to negotiate with China now before we operate out of a position of weakness

[25:11] When China sat out the bond auction recently it created a wild swing


Jason Hartman's Real Estate Investor Update Alexa Skill

Direct download: AMA_279_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Marc Faber, editor at Gloom, Boom, Doom, about what's going on in our economy with the massive asset inflation that's hit in the past few years. The two examine what central banks will have to do in order to deal with the looming shortages and what investments can buck that trend when it arises.

Key Takeaways:

[3:54] Asset inflation is making the rich richer and leaving the poor and middle class behind

[10:01] Will millennials get bailed out by their inheritance from their Baby Boomer parents?

[13:16] The 2 investments that will appreciate in a global downturn

[15:08] 2 ways central banks can print money

[19:40] Inflationary actions can kick the can down the road a long way, but there is one thing that can ruin the party


Direct download: AMA_278_Marc_Faber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Kelly Alexander, founder of Great American Tax Remedy, about how Kelly has been able to avoid paying Federal income tax since 2014. Kelly's method hasn't had to hold up against an IRS audit, but she's confident that what she's doing is completely legal and can help anyone out.

Key Takeaways:

[2:39] How Kelly's tax plan to avoid income taxes works

[6:17] Who else is using Kelly's technique?

[7:38] What Kelly does when she gets paid in order to avoid income tax

[17:35] How to report your income on your taxes under Kelly's format

[27:48] Why Kelly's strategy works for both state and federal taxes


Direct download: AMA_277_Kelly_Alexander.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dr. David D Friedman, son of Milton Friedman, former professor at Santa Clara University in the Law School, and author of books such as The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism and Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters. The two dissect what role the government should have in society: what it's capable of and what it need to steer clear from, while also delving into the 4 problems that need to be addressed in a feud system.

Key Takeaways:

[1:47] How David's thinking is similar and different than his father's

[4:00] Can the government actually be out of everything?

[8:21] One of the mistakes that supporters of free markets make is implying that things won't ever go wrong

[11:51] Market failure is a mark for and against government

[17:43] What David learned about feud law when looking at various legal systems

[21:38] Making the tort claims transferable would make our legal system much better


Direct download: AMA_276_David_Friedman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with in-house economist Thomas about how interest rates in the past 10 years have compared to one another. The two explain why interest rates can be so difficult to predict and how these past 10 years are compared to the past.

Key Takeaways:

[2:53] Interest rates aren't completely unpredictable, but they're driven by things where you can't know exactly what's going on

[6:10] Interest rates back in 2010

[15:49] #5 on Thomas' list is 2017, when interest rates dipped under 4%

[20:24] 2015 makes up the #3 spot on the list with interest rates averaging 3.85%

[24:18] The #1 year for interest rates in the past decade

[28:32] Remember that real estate deals can be renegotiated


Direct download: AMA_275_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57pm EST

Jason Hartman and Kerry take today to look at some of the signs in our economy today that don't point toward a rosy future. But don't take that to mean the sky's falling and we're headed for a doomsday scenario, we've still got some runway left.

The two also discuss how self-management can show you things that you wouldn't have known just sticking with a property manager. You don't HAVE to self-manage, but it's important to know how to self-manage so you don't get taken advantage of by your current manager.

Key Takeaways:

[1:27] There are ominous signs out there for the economy, so we'll see how much longer it can hold them off

[4:36] For the first time in a long time, Kerry is bullish on the New York real estate

[12:01] Where will the next recession come from?

[15:53] There's an urgency that you need to do something now rather than waiting around

[19:52] Why Kerry thinks Indiana has been the longest running market for Jason's company

[24:07] Utilize your tenants as your assets

[29:39] If you choose to self-manage, remember to track ALL of your expenses


Direct download: AMA_274_Kerry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Patri Friedman, Executive Director of The Seasteading Institute, about creating new countries using the seasteading technique. Patri discusses how the concept would work in today's environment and why it's not absurd to think of a country being created on the water. It's coming sooner than you expect.

Key Takeaways:

[1:12] What is seasteading?

[6:05] Why not just buy land from a country rather than doing everything out at sea?

[10:04] Patri's goal is seeing governments competing for citizens by treating them best

[13:41] How do you deal with security when you're in the middle of the ocean?

[18:02] What are these seasteads going to do for currency?


Direct download: AMA_273_Patri_Friedman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Jeff Ferry, Chief Economist at the Coalition for a Prosperous America, about what's going on with the US trade war. Jeff has some ideas on how to close the gap between the US and the rest of the world, but Jason has some questions about whether they would cause inflation. They also look into America's manufacturing sector and why we need to ramp it back up.

Key Takeaways:

[1:15] Jeff's thoughts on the current trade situation

[5:31] One of Jeff's solutions for helping cure the trade imbalance is to reduce the value of the dollar

[9:25] How would devaluing the US economy impact our purchasing goods from other countries and how would it impact the economy at home?

[12:37] You have to have capital formation for a society to create wealth


Direct download: AMA_272_Jeff_Ferry.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Rich Dad Advisor and multifamily property investor Ken McElroy about his recent sale of $300 million worth of property, as well as supply levels of multifamily properties, why Ken is still bullish on real estate and the future of interest rates.

Key Takeaways:

- Why did Ken choose this time to sell his properties and how did he do it?

- Cap Rate fails to take appreciation into account

- Is there an oversupply of multifamily that's causing rents to not grow as quickly?

- What Ken has learned about his facilities for the 55+ community

- Why Ken is still bullish on real estate

- Capital always looks for safety in the US

- The impact things like ride sharing and autonomous cars are having (and will have) on real estate

- Ken's take on the future of interest rates


Direct download: AMA_271_Ken_McElroy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

Jason Hartman speaks with Matthew Sullivan, founder & CEO of Quantm Real Estate, about how his company is using blockchain and tokens to help homeowners pull equity out of their homes (whether owner occupied or investments). Matthew uses a few case studies to explain how much money you could extra, what you would owe his company, and how the secondary market works for the equity stake his company receives.

Key Takeaways:

[1:54] Matthew's company allows you to get equity out of your house without taking out another loan with a bank by buying some of the future value of your house

[4:51] Case study: How much can you pull out if you were to have a $100,000 house with a $50,000 mortgage?

[11:06] Why Quantum Real Estate goes through the hassle of creating a REIT and tokenizing them equity share

[15:49] The effective "interest rate" for homeowners who realize their equity

[19:59] Quantum Real Estate revalues their portfolio every 3 months so the secondary market can trade


Direct download: AMA_269_Matthew_Sullivan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dr. Randy Wray, one of the foremost experts in Modern Monetary Theory, about why Minsky the philosopher is important, what exactly MMT is and why it's relevant in today's monetary society. They especially tackle the job guarantee program that MMT espouses and what's coming up for the US in the economy for the next few years.

Key Takeaways:

[1:26] Who is Minsky and why is he someone we should concern ourselves with?

[4:43] What is Modern Monetary Theory and why is it applicable?

[10:31] The governments going back to the colonies spends money into existence and then taxes it back to avoid causing inflation

[13:38] Has all the money that was put into the economy during Obama's term been taken back out by taxes or is it causing inflation?

[17:51] The test you need to use to discover if you're doing monetary policy correct

[21:48] Spending during The New Deal greatly helped move our nation forward and allowed us to become the richest, most developed nation on Earth

[25:49] The job guarantee that Dr Wray is focusing on now would involve a lot of care work, and it would be decentralized

[28:58] What's coming up, economically, for the United States


Direct download: AMA_268_Randy_Wray.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

After a tour of an Amazon fulfillment center, Jason Hartman has an "investigative report" from the inside of a ride-sharing trip talking with a former employee of Amazon on how we have been misled a little by the company.

Key Takeaways:

[2:23] Amazon pickers are walking at least 10 miles a day to get orders together

[4:08] The pay raise that Amazon gave their warehouse employees was offset by a slash in benefits


Direct download: AMA_267_Amazon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Tal Tsfany, President & CEO of the Ayn Rand Institute, about free speech on college campuses, how we should be defining things like happiness and selfishness, and why we should be focusing on the self. They also examine the philosophies of those who want to tax the rich in order to redistribute wealth.

Key Takeaways:

[2:28] What's happening with speech on college campuses is a result of progressive philosophies

[4:16] What would Ayn Rand's political views be in today's world?

[7:56] Ayn Rand's definition of happiness

[11:23] Love is a goal or value that you pursue. It's a spiritual trade

[15:20] Ayn's definition of selfishness

[19:18] Berkley students in the 60s were reading Ayn Rand to be cool, but not following through on the axioms


Direct download: AMA_266_Tal_Tsfany.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Raghuram Rajan, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and former Chief Economist and Director of Research at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), about how community has been weakened, which has allowed competitive markets and governments to get out of balance. They also discuss what jobs will remain after automation takes off even more, mortgage rates and whether we're headed toward inflation or deflation.

Key Takeaways:

[1:24] What the IMF is and how it differs from the World Bank

[6:20] Massive technological change tends to hit an area and hurt before the benefits kick in later

[9:30] After automation comes and takes many of the jobs, there will still be jobs that involve human interaction

[14:51] Is Raghuram seeing inflation, deflation, stagflation or what in the coming years?

[17:34] Are mortgage interest rates artificially low?

[22:17] There's good deflation and bad deflation


The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind

Raghuram Rajan at Chicago Booth School of Business

Direct download: AMA_265_Raghuram_Rajan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:22pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with David Stockman, former budget director for President Reagan, former US Representative for the 95th Congress, former partner at The Blackstone Group and author of the new book Peak Trump: The Undrainable Swamp and the Fantasy of MAGA. The two discuss Reagan's failure to curtail spending like he'd originally wanted, the difficulty Trump is having actually "draining the swamp", the impact of increasing debt on inflation and whether it's sustainable.

Key Takeaways:

[3:01] Reagan got very little in way of his proposed spending cuts, but got a much bigger tax reduction than proposed, then defense spending exploded

[6:42] Trump's problem was that he recognized the economy was failing but didn't have a program to address it

[11:47] Does our escalating deficit mean inflation is on the horizon?

[16:08] Is our private debt really that bad?

[19:53] How investors should position themselves for the next few years

[22:42] We've learned in the last decade that Central Banks can't cause inflation on a worldwide basis


Peak Trump: The Undrainable Swamp and the Fantasy of MAGA

Direct download: AMA_264_David_Stockman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:39pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Chris Martenson, co-founder of and co-author of Prosper: How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting, about how the era of abundant, cheap energy is gone and our world needs to change with it. That doesn't mean abandoning everything we have now, but just recognizing the actual situation and adjusting our investments/behavior accordingly. Chris and Jason also discuss the future, and whether we're going to see inflation, deflation, or a little bit of both.

Key Takeaways:

[2:03] We're coming up to a time when humans are going to have to organize ourselves in very different ways

[4:48] There are 2 ways humans change

[10:01] It's getting costlier and costlier to get less and less oil out of the ground

[12:36] The easy, cheap energy from the past is gone, which explains why the global growth rate for the last 15 years has been subpar

[18:37] We're beginning to see that raising children in a dopamine heavy technological world is creating issues we hadn't expected when it began

[23:30] We have a lot of debt in our society, so deflation is ready to take over


Direct download: AMA_263_Chris_Martenson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Jason Franciosa, CEO & co-founder of Element 26, about the time value of money. Both Jason's are concerned about inflation, and the two look at ways you can maintain your leverage so your returns can beat inflation, as well as how you can utilize your home loans to house hack (especially if you're in the military).

Key Takeaways:

[5:15] Jason's 6 ways governments can get out of debt

[7:48] The time value of money

[12:26] You have to have a way to maintain the leverage you have

[17:10] How you can utilize house hacking


Direct download: AMA_262_Jason_Franciosa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dan Amerman, CFA and author of books such as Mortgage Securities and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Unlock The Secrets Of Mortgage Derivatives, about how a heavy handed Fed has changed how inflation and housing have correlate to each other, why the Fed reacts to quickly, what the Fed is setting interest rates up to do, and much more.

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] The Federal Reserve is getting more heavy handed as years go by, and hints of a coming recession could lead to more intervention

[7:39] Housing tracked inflation better than gold until the Federal Reserve got real heavy handed after 2001

[12:28] The Fed reacts too quickly to things

[14:07] Dan's prediction of where interest rates are about to head

[19:51] Certain Fed actions and yield curve inversions seem to have a correlation

[23:25] The 2 ways to look at inflation

[26:47] The self-liquidating debt


Direct download: AMA_261_Dan_Amerman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:40am EST

In this off-topic 10th show, Jason Hartman speaks with Dr. Gina Loudon, co-host of America Talks Live on NewsmaxTV, certified hypnotherapist, founding writer at Breitbart and official Trump campaign surrogate, spokesperson to Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential campaign and member of the President's 2020 Media Advisory Board. The two discuss the political divide that's present in today's society and whether it's worse now than it's been in the past. They also discuss the 3 types of people in the world and how President Trump is one of the most misunderstood people on the planet.

Key Takeaways:

[4:04] We frequently forget to look at the WHY all this division is going on

[7:05] Are we really divided more now or is it all just sensationalized?

[12:17] The USA is actually living in the most healthy, happy, prosperous and safest times in history

[17:00] The monologue media vs the dialogue media

[18:17] The 3 types of people in today's world

[22:17] Gina says President Trump is one of the kindest and loyal people she's ever met


Direct download: AMA_260_Gina_Loudon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Rohit Talwar, founder of Fast Future Publishing and author of A Very Human Future, about what we can do about the large companies who seem to be in a winner take all society, how life and body hacking are going to change the world, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[3:27] What is value?

[10:30] The 4 views people have of companies like Facebook and Google

[14:06] 3 types of exponential thinking

[18:24] Rohit's example of pooled insurance

[23:08] What are we going to do with the people who are displaced by technology?

[26:13] Body hacking may give us advantages in areas that won't matter in the future due to automation

[27:37] What we need to change in order to have a more optimistic future


Direct download: AMA_259_Rohit_Talwar.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Dr. David Collum, Professor at Cornell University, about what all happened in 2018 and what we can expect in 2019. Jason and David discuss the skewed nature of CPI numbers, why institutional investors were able to get in to the housing market and what could cause them to get out, the impact of the Federal government potentially bailing out states and more.

Key Takeaways:

[3:03] What happened in 2018, economically speaking?

[7:35] CPI numbers started getting skewed in the 1970s

[11:00] The MIT Billion Price Project

[14:38] Is there any gain from stock buybacks?

[18:20] Ultra low rates allowed institutional investors to come in to the single family housing market

[22:40] People that criticize religion never ask the right question

[24:55] How the next unwinding will happen


Dr David Collum at Cornell

Direct download: AMA_258_David_Collum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST

Jason Hartman talks to his in-house economist Thomas about the World Economic Forum in Davos and what came out of it. Thomas gives his predictions for the next 2-3 years, why some looming deflation might be a good thing, and whether we're in a 4th leg of the Industrial Revolution.

Key Takeaways:

[2:07] Thomas sees some deflation coming up and doesn't think it'll be that bad

[6:09] Price discovery happens once we've put all the unused assets to work

[9:42] As long as GDP growth + Inflation is higher than the 10 year note, the economy is okay

[17:37] Are the next 5 years going to give us good or are they bringing bad?

[18:46] We're in the midst of the 4th industrial revolution and things are good


Direct download: AMA_257_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Harry Dent, author of Zero Hour, about Harry's optimism about our economy, the impact the high end real estate softening is going to have on all of the housing sector, why demographics are NOT looking good for China and other Asian countries, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[00:57] Why is Harry more optimistic about our future than usual?

[3:15] People in San Francisco hate big tech companies like Google because they're driving up costs beyond reason

[5:31] The high end housing market is already softening, but how far down will the slowdown trickle?

[13:28] China's demographics have them looking straight into a disaster

[18:11] The hottest coming sector for the next 10-15 years in the US

[20:58] There are 2 waves of Millennials and the 2nd hasn't entered the workforce yet


Direct download: AMA_256_Harry_Dent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Nobu Su, chairman of the shipping company Today Makes Tomorrow and author of The Gold Man From the East. Back in the 2008 financial crisis, Nobu's company was a $5 million victim of Western bankers. Nobu is now fighting back, suing the institutions that took his money and trying to tell his story so others don't suffer the same fate.

Key Takeaways:

[1:22] What's the status of Su's lawsuit against JP Morgan?

[9:05] How long can our country keep going like we are?

[11:10] What is Nobu Store?

[14:59] The history of Nobu's career


Direct download: AMA_255_Nobu_Su.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Parag Khanna, author of The Future is Asian and founder of FutureMap, about what's really going on in regards to the trade war and its impact on Asia (which doesn't just mean China). The two discuss the role of technology in killing jobs around the world and Asia's impact on global consumption growth.

Key Takeaways:

[1:07] What is Connectography?

[5:59] The premise of The Future Is Asian

[9:09] Parag can tell you who's going to win a trade war with China

[11:03] Technology is killing jobs a lot faster than trade is

[15:33] Most of the consumption growth is coming from Asia

[19:24] International competition is getting bigger and bigger, making any missteps even costlier

[25:23] Companies are shifting entire operations overseas to take advantage of those markets, but that's not necessarily a bad thing for America


Direct download: AMA_254_Parag_Khanna.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Matt Taibbi, contributing editor at Rolling Stone and author of books such as Griftopia and The Divide, about bubbles. The two explore how Fed policy has been leading to bubbles throughout the years, how Wall Street is designed to take advantage of the average citizen and what we can learn from the history of bubbles.

Key Takeaways:

[2:47] There's a pretty decent path from Fed policy to bubbles

[7:17] How the Great Recession came into being

[11:53] Institutions have learned how to create a bubble to profit from, but then also be prepared to make money when their own bubble bursts

[16:00] As long as trades are occuring Wall Street is making money

[17:50] How investment bankers are auctioning off America's infrastructure

[22:30] What is the investor's lesson from the bubble machine?


Direct download: AMA_253_Matt_Taibbi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15pm EST