American Monetary Association

Jason Hartman talks with G Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, about corporate scams. Too many people hide behind the veil that corporations offer; ripping off consumers and shareholders and letting the company take the punishment. G Edward and Jason discuss this topic, as well as how we can actually change things to allow society to hold those responsible accountable.

Key Takeaways:

[3:06] It can perfectly legal to extract millions of dollars from a company while the shareholders value drops to 0

[6:12] Trying to punish "the corporation" just means that shareholders get hurt

[8:39] How do we hold someone accountable when a corporation does something bad?

[10:27] How to actually make change happen to fix this problem

[13:35] Governments have a perpetual lien on your property. There's no such thing as owning something "free and clear"

[19:33] What is reasoning behind people like Soros when they pump money into politics?

[22:09] The Fabian Socialist Society believed you took over society gradually

[25:48] At what point is it proper for the state to intervene?


Direct download: AMA_281_G_Edward_Griffin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Robert Greene, author of the new book The Laws of Human Nature as well as New York Times bestsellers like The 48 Laws of Power and The 33 Strategies of War, about how to approach people to put yourself in the best position for success as well as how to best change your life and circumstances. Robert goes over a few of his 18 laws to help you on your way.

Key Takeaways:

[3:47] Misjudging people is extremely expensive, and it's getting even harder to do with everything becoming virtual

[6:07] Thinking about what other people need or are going through is one of the most important life skills you can develop

[9:21] When you ask someone for anything, they are naturally going to be resistant

[12:26] We are emotional creatures, largely governed by our emotions

[23:59] You can change your own life and circumstances by working on your attitude

[27:35] The biggest impediment in people's lives is the inability to affect or influence the people around them


Direct download: AMA_180_Robert_Greene.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am EST

Jason Hartman and in-house economist Thomas take today's episode to examine the 10 things that are happening in the US and abroad that are making the most impact in 2019. Among them are the US/China trade war, interest rates, the Mueller Report, millennial household formations, and more.

Key Takeaways:

[1:05] The best thing that's happened so far in 2019 is lower interest rates

[3:46] Household formation for millennials is looking really good for investors

[6:28] The Fed being receptive of market conditions has been a good omen for 2019

[11:21] The 3% GDP growth they said we needed to "pay" for the Trump tax cuts happened

[14:20] Blogcast on Creative Destruction

[20:16] The Mueller Report's impact on the housing market

[22:58] The US needs to negotiate with China now before we operate out of a position of weakness

[25:11] When China sat out the bond auction recently it created a wild swing


Jason Hartman's Real Estate Investor Update Alexa Skill

Direct download: AMA_279_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Marc Faber, editor at Gloom, Boom, Doom, about what's going on in our economy with the massive asset inflation that's hit in the past few years. The two examine what central banks will have to do in order to deal with the looming shortages and what investments can buck that trend when it arises.

Key Takeaways:

[3:54] Asset inflation is making the rich richer and leaving the poor and middle class behind

[10:01] Will millennials get bailed out by their inheritance from their Baby Boomer parents?

[13:16] The 2 investments that will appreciate in a global downturn

[15:08] 2 ways central banks can print money

[19:40] Inflationary actions can kick the can down the road a long way, but there is one thing that can ruin the party


Direct download: AMA_278_Marc_Faber.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST