American Monetary Association

Jack Cashill  is an independent writer and producer and, on a contractual basis, the Executive Editor of Ingram’s Magazine.

In addition to his work with Ingram’s, Jack has written for Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard,, and regularly for WorldNetDaily.

Within the last decade Jack has written seven books of non-fiction — First Strike, Ron Brown’s Body, Hoodwinked, Sucker Punch,What's the Matter with California, and Deconstructing Obama. Three of his books have cracked Amazon’s top ten list. Jack has produced a score of documentaries for regional PBS and national cable channels, including the Emmy Award-winning, The Royal Years.

Jack has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies, has taught media and literature at Purdue and at Kansas City area universities, and served as a Fulbright professor in France

Key Takeaways:

[2:38] Jack's thoughts on the Brexit

[4:15] Who the base of the left are these days

[7:19] Where the breakthrough came in terms of creating a culture that would create a long term, successful economy

[9:40] Where the contempt for our culture is derived

[13:05] How greed pervaded all layers of our culture in the 2008 housing crisis, not just the lenders like the media portrayed

[16:33] How the Jewish code and the usury ban led to a helpful (but not exactly healthy) relationship between the two

[19:30] Whether the bible conflicts when it comes to credit

[21:50] What we need to make capitalism succeed

[23:31] Why we need to question the root cause of things, not just address the symptoms, or else we end up hurting the people we're trying to help

[26:16] What actually happened with TWA 800

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Direct download: AMA_151_Jack_Cashill.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37am EST