American Monetary Association

Jason Hartman talks with Dan Ferris, the editor of Extreme Value and host of the Stansberry Investor Hour Podcast. Dan and Jason speak on subjects ranging from the broad economy to some of the conspiracy theories that might be ignored a little too much. Understanding the government’s role in the shifting economy and what the Fed is doing with each dollar can help one understand whether or not we are in a bubble. As well, how long can the stimulus work before it has no effect?

Land, gold, and art OR stocks, bonds, and cash? “You need to learn to preserve wealth outside the financial system,” Ferris said. Ferris and Hartman go in-depth discussing diversification and its importance versus playing it safe with multi-dimensional assets. Inflation, don’t predict it, prepare for it.

Check It Out:

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Would our founding fathers have been called “conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats?”

[5:00] The government wins every election. 

[6:00] Where is the economy going?

[7:45] The Fed doesn’t buy securities because they are saving up for retirement. 

[11:15] Why might the stimulus stop working so efficiently?

[15:00] “This is the most insanely overvalued market in all of history.” - Ferris

[18:00] Nit-picking on Warren Buffet. 

Dan Ferris

[21:00] Let’s talk about Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver. 

[23:10] “Bitcoin is the hardest currency on Earth.” - Ferris

[30:00] Bitcoin, is 11 years long enough for people to start accepting it for commerce?

[32:45] Inflation is coming! 

[34:00] Will there be a great reset?

[35:00] Don’t predict, prepare. 

[36:45] Land, gold, and art OR stocks, bonds, and cash?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Gold is the only monetary asset in the world that is not somebody else’s liability. Jason Hartman talks with Charles Goyette going beyond every conversation about gold in the economy right now. Gold’s value continues to rise, and not just compared to the dollar. Goyette says that China, along with the rest of the world, is de-dollarizing. Goyette gives an insightful, thought-provoking history and prediction of currencies in all forms across the globe. 


The Last Gold Rush…Ever! 7 Reasons for the Runaway Gold Market and How You Can Profit from It by Charles Goyette

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Maybe we should have ‘socialist distancing’ as opposed to social distancing.

[3:20] In the last 100 years, the US has had three versions of the US dollar. 

[4:00] Was the US government doing the mega version of check kiting? 

[10:30] No trillion dollar debt?

[12:00] Are we looking at a sort of rampant runaway towards socialism in the US?

[13:40] For our economic might to end, it has to be replaced.

[17:15] China, along with the rest of the world, are de-dollarizing. 

[18:40] How does bitcoin play into the future of global currency?

[20:15] “Socialism; ideas so good we have to force you to accept them.”

[22:20] Is gold an investment, insurance, or a currency?

[24:00] Is gold as scarce as we think?

[27:45] Any closing thoughts on the new world order and the great reset?


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Direct download: AMA_The_Last_Gold_Rush.._Ever_Charles_Goyette.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman invites you all to put on your tinfoil hats in preparation for this interview with George Gammon exploring some topics often considered economic conspiracy theories. George, a regular visitor on our show, brings you some unsettling details outlining the great reset and the repo market. How are communism and capitalism connected? How far will artificial intelligence infiltrate into our every day lives?  

In part two of this discussion, George Gammon talks with Jason Hartman, further illustrating some of the truth behind global conspiracies. George states that more data produced by the free market capitalist economy is needed to understand and accurately control pricing. What are we trading for green energy?

Key Takeaways:

[2:15] Let’s put on our tinfoil hats for a moment. 

[3:30] What is the repo market?

[9:40] “A trillion a day keeps the economic consequences away.” -Jason

[11:40] This great reset has been talked about since 2016 or earlier. Conspiracy theory?

[14:15] EVERYTHING shall feed into the central computers.

[17:45] George goes deep into artificial intelligence. 

[21:00] Is communism the next stage of capitalism?

[23:00] Big government is great for the inner circle.

[24:15] Price signals help you allocate resources efficiently. 

[25:30] We need all of the data that is produced by the free-market capitalist economy. 

[26:10] George explains the benefits of a central bank digital currency.

[28:50] The digital currency that wins the game is the one backed by the government. 

[31:00] The possibility of digital currency backed by the government puts an overwhelming amount of control into the government’s hands. 

[34:30] People generally revolt against their inability to eat, not having freedom stripped away.

[37:40] Is there a chance that we can sustain our current lifestyle if we move to green energy?

[39:45] Is green energy a trade-off or a solution?

[43:45] How can we compare today to how unemployment was measured during the great depression? 

[46:00] Own a little gold, maybe some bitcoin, definitely have a 30 year fixed mortgage.


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Direct download: AMA_The_Great_Reset_George_Gammon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Douglas Vermeeren joins the show today to discuss the power of thought shared in the film How Thoughts Become Things. Douglass and Jason speak on the profound ideas of building a life with thoughts, conversation, and your surroundings. From wealth to health, many ideas are influenced by the thoughts that you give them. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] We become what we think about.

[4:05] Our thoughts are highjacked by the stimulus around us, all the time. 

[5:45] We become like the five people we spend the most time with. 

[10:00] Your network becomes your safety net, then becomes your net worth.

[11:00] "Fake it 'till you make it" is the biggest lie that's out there. 

[12:45] A goal that is specific and clear becomes attainable and near.

[17:00] Don't' focus on the haters; focus on those that actually can pay you.

[21:00] Should we think outside the box or find the right box to think within? 


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Charles Goodhart and Manoj Pradhan join today to elaborate on a significant global prediction that low-interest rates won’t last. When they go away, it will place substantial hardship on the economy. Charles and Manoj authored the book The Great Demographic Reversal, a book that will outline the rise in inflation and interest rates but lead to a pullback in inequality. Ultimately, Charles Goodhart shares Goodhart’s Law.

BooksThe Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] It’s a time to be thankful. 

[3:20] The Fannie Mae loan limits are going to be increasing! 

[4:15] Jason Hartman Flash Briefing: The Story of Inflation

[7:50] How are Manoj and Charles connected?

[10:20] How have globalization and technology influenced inflation? 

[13:45] The debt ratios around the world have been jumping up very sharply. 

[14:00] Will interest rates go up?

[15:00] The best way to get out of debt is to grow faster.

[17:00] Japan is aging itself out of existence with its extremely low birthrates. 

[18:20] Robots won’t do; we need a reallocation from one part of the economy. 

[22:00] Why is the dependency ratio so important?

[23:45] The way Japan has been treated has been symptomatic of many of the analysis problems that we see in the global economy. 

[25:45] Manoj comments on what allowed Japan’s debt to get so high.

[27:25] One result of the pandemic was that every country becomes more national and self-reliant. 

[29:45] Are we moving into an era of stagflation?

[30:15] What kind of inflation is coming? US or Global? And how much?

[35:00] Goodhart’s Law


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jay W. Richards is an Assistant Research Professor in the Busch School of Business and Fellow of the Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America. 

Jay W. Richards talks with Jason Hartman about a few areas of poor practice when dealing with COVID-19. He breaks down how some of the panic began and was then exacerbated by the media. 


The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe

The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines

Infiltrated: How to Stop the Insiders and Activists Who Are Exploiting the Financial Crisis to Control Our Lives and Our Fortunes

Key Takeaways:

[3:00] The response COVID-19 might’ve been too much? It’s the first time the entire world has shut itself down. 

[7:00] What’s the price of the panic?

[9:20] Why exactly did the panic happen?

[12:30] When you radically disrupt an economy, you kill people. 

[14:00] What or who is the ‘tyranny of experts’?

[17:45] Common sense is not as common as we’d like it to be. 

[18:45] Infiltrated the financial narrative of what happens in a financial crisis. 


Twitter: @doctorjayrichards

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Jason Hartman speaks with returning guest, Doug Casey of Casey Research. The often controversial author of many books including, The International Man, is asked about what he expects after this election. Casey shares views on anarchism, the civil, non-violent version, as well as the reasons he intends to leave Aspen, Colorado.

Casey also weighs in on the election and the possibility of a cultural revolution. Covid-19 can and will affect the dollar, and real estate taxes, particularly those in big cities. Finally, Casey shares his views on Trump of Biden.

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] The "left" has the voice.

[3:00] Aspen, Colorado, is being inundated with wealthy people from NY and California - the perfect time to bail.

[5:30] Casey breaks down the differences between civil war, coup, and a secession movement. 

[8:45] What's the civil side of anarchism?

[11:20] Thoughts on privatized prisons?

[14:00] Let's talk about the election!

[15:00] Is the US facing a veritable cultural revolution, similar to that of China 1966-1976?

[17:00] If you own property in big cities, expect real estate taxes to rise even further. 

[18:30] "The dollar will be like toilet paper."

[26:00] Why Trump or Biden?

[28:15] Nobody wants to see the US break up on his watch.


Doug Casey Books

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman shares his views on migration trends, supply/demand shock, and the pricing power that landlords hold right now. The millennials are a different generation with different renting versus buying trends. This opens up more opportunities for investors.

Jason Hartman talks with author, Ken Van Liew, to find out what has changed in wealth building in modern times. Ken and Jason talk about investment opportunities away from high-density cities. They also discuss a few commercial real estate sectors, including converting commercial to residential, what might come of malls, and growth in the need for self-storage. 


Ask your investment counselor about our new market!


Modern Wealth Building Formula: How To Master Real Estate

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] What state is leading in-migration?

[5:00] Jason explains how we are currently experiencing supply/demand shock.

[6:30] Landlords have pricing power right now.

[10:30] Who owns most of the 16million single-family rental homes in the US?

[11:45] Every market of 63 saw an increase in rents.

[18:00] Recommendations: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Ken Van Lieu

[21:45] What’s different about ‘modern wealth building’?

[26:30] To Ken, what are your thoughts on the shift of Americans away from high-density cities?

[28:30] What commercial property can convert to residential?

[33:30] What are we going to do with malls?

[35:45] How will self-storage fair?


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Adam continue discussing the fear of a housing bubble and how to be a real estate permabull. This part two begins with housing stats, how to understand the US median price, and why you can’t always trust what you read. This is especially true if you are investing in Hartman advised linear markets instead of cyclical markets in high-density areas. As well, these two discuss staple moves to make on your way to building a real estate portfolio. 

Key Takeaways:

[3:10] The Covid Recession continues to affect multi-family housing.

[9:40] Adam shares some stats in housing price changes from 2008-2011 (cyclical market index reports)

[12:45] Adam shares how to be a real estate permabull and have it make sense. 

[18:30] In an inflationary environment, the best asset class is income-producing property. 

[21:00] Almost everybody buys a house based on the payment, not the price.

[31:00] Your journey to a rental property portfolio is one door at a time.

[38:00] Check out this free webinar:

[39:45] HELOC v. Cash-out Refi, which should I do right now?


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Direct download: AMA_375_1588_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason Hartman shares a sigh of relief; no matter who wins the presidential election, there is always a strategy in real estate, the most favorable asset-class in the world. Adam joins the show for a short, jovial debate on election fraud and the election. But Jason and Adam offer you a break from politics to discuss many concerns of a housing bubble and how this could be misinterpreted. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] Before we talk about investment property, let's discuss the 2020 election update. 

[4:10] What do you think about voter fraud as a possibility? 

[12:30] Is there a possible housing bubble?

[14:20] 75% of the Case-Shiller Index is based on cyclical markets, a gross misrepresentation of the complex US housing markets. 

[19:45] Are we just a bunch of PermaBulls?

[22:00] Market timing is a fool's game. 


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Direct download: AMA_374_1588_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Former CEO of CKE Restaurants, Carl's Jr and Hardee's, and former nominee for Secretary of Labor under President Trump. He is also the author of Job Creation: How It Really Works and Why Government Doesn't Understand It and The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left's Plot to Stop It. Andrew and Jason discuss whether the solution to the coronavirus pandemic is more significant than the problem and where the help stops helping. As well, they discuss the regulation challenges with business.

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] Is the pandemic an opportunity to "remake America?"

[5:20] Is the solution bigger than the problem?

[9:30] Andrew explains why he moved his company from Southern California to Tennessee.

[12:30] "It was easier to build and open a new restaurant in Novosibirsk, Siberia, or Shanghai, China than it was to open a restaurant in Los Angeles. "AP

[19:00] People should focus on where they want this economy to go.


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Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Rick Sharga, Executive Vice President of Marketing at RealtyTrac, talks with Jason Hartman about forbearances and foreclosures. Does one lead to the other, and how will this differ from the great recession? How has COVID-19 changed how millennials approach renting vs. buying? 

Rick Sharga also distinguishes between foreclosures and opportunities. Rick also gives an excellent insight into every sector of what he thinks is to be expected in the commercial real estate market. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Everyone is asking, "is Covid going to cause a housing crash?"

[2:00] Covid has not slowed down the housing market even a little bit. 

[3:45] The pandemic accelerated millennials' trend to stop as urban renters and move to a place of homeownership. 

[10:30] The 2006 median price home was $650 more expensive than the median price home today, adjusted for interest rates and inflation. 

[12:00] Rick distinguishes between foreclosures and opportunities.

[18:00] Will 3 million in forbearance programs end up in foreclosures?

[21:00] What happens when all of these loans come out of forbearance?

[26:45] Discussing California's new law that the institutional buyer cannot buy foreclosures. 

[28:45] We already see a higher number of commercial foreclosure properties popping up. 

[30:00] Rick breaks down his expectations for each sector of the commercial real estate environment. 

[33:30] One of the most significant shortages in housing is in the low price tiers. Here's why.


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

David Sussman, Founder and CEO of Valcor Worldwide joins Jason Hartman in discussing insights into what is going on with small-medium sized business, real estate, and the impact of COVID-19. David suggests that mainstream media has narrowed its focus on Coronavirus and the 2020 election; meanwhile, it hasn’t covered much to any of the potential economic tsunamis we face. Like lungs, our economy breathes in and out, and we are a few years late to our regularly scheduled recession. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] The mainstream media can only focus on one or two top stories at a time, the pandemic, and the 2020 election. David predicts a possible economic tsunami headed our way, a story the media cannot currently focus on. 

[6:10] Warehouses and industrial real estate spaces are increasing. 

[8:45] 67% of employees in the country rely upon the 32 million small US businesses. 

[13:00] Small retail is dying, especially in bluer states. 

[16:45] What kind of financing is available to small businesses (2020)?

[19:00] What are merchant cash advances?


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Direct download: AMA_Covid_19_Economic_Impact_David_Sussman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today by Robert Spencer, author of Rating America's Presidents, An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was A DisasterThis book is a non-partisan analysis of the US President's performance in office. Jason and Robert discuss sociological changes in the US and harsh rhetoric from either party. Will the US re-elect Trump, if so, will he be the last Republican President?

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] This is not a republican or democratic book; this book is America First! 

[3:00] Are the left "for the people" or for big government? 

[8:00] "With the truth about history, we can reclaim the public discourse." -Spencer

[14:20] If Trump wins reelection, where will the US be in 4 years?

[16:25] Will Trump be the last Republican President?

[20:00] Rating US Presidents, example: Woodrow Wilson. 

[23:00] One of the recipes for being a good US President is…?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

How do you define Democracy? Dr. Garett Jones and Jason Hartman traverse through a broad range of capitalism and democracy played out in different countries. Does one influence the other, or can they exist in moderation together? As well, Jones speaks to the typical choices of more educated people. Are groups more willing to cooperate if they have a higher or lower IQ? 


Hive Mind : How Your Nation's IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own

10% Less Democracy: Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Democracy is an absolutely sacred value, but don't know what they mean?

[3:15] In most countries, judges kept "arm's length" away from voters who seem to have better economic performance.

[6:30] The American founders were not for pure democracy. 

[8:00] Math and Science scores are pretty good predictors of individual life outcomes.

[11:00] More educated people are most likely to see the invisible hand and support laissez-faire. 

[14:00] To some degree, Milton Friedman's prophecy was right: capitalism leads to democracy. 

[16:00] What's the Da Vinci Effect for nations?

[18:20] Are smarter groups more cooperative?

[20:20] Willingness to delay gratification is a sign of intelligence. 

[22:50] Are banks stealing our money through inflation, savings, or wealth?



Clear some confusion about tax strategy, and gain some added tricks of the trade by listening to this interview. Jason Hartman talks with Amanda Han and Matthew MacFarland, authors of Advanced Tax Strategies for Savvy Investors. Tax laws can change every year, so it’s crucial to take advantage of them as soon as you can. Learn what most investors forget to do for some of the best write-offs.

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Excited to have advanced tax strategy with a focus on RE

[3:00] Will we lose the 1031-Exchange with Biden in office? 

[8:10] Many RE investment property owners overpay on taxes because they do not view themselves as a business when it comes to their taxes.

[13:40] How do I take more deprecation sooner than later, with a cost segregation study?

[20:20] How do you prepare to take unlimited deductions, regardless of income - by qualifying as a real estate professional?


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Jason Hartman talks with Barry Zigas, Senior Fellow at Consumer Federation of America. Barry shares a brief, descriptive history lesson on how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac came to be. Barry and Jason discuss the low and middle-income housing crisis and what factors contribute to homeownership rates. 

Barry Zigas joins Jason Hartman to discuss student loans compared to home loans. Is this similar to a problem we’ve seen in the recent past? How does the shortage of affordable new homes drive inflation?

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were both created by acts of congress. 

[4:30] Is the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mission to increase homeownership?

[6:20] Let’s talk about global home ownership comparisons.

[11:00] What factors contribute to homeownership rates?

[12:15] There’s still discrimination in the mortgage markets.

[14:30] Redlining is a term defined as a percentage of non-white people living in a community.

[16:45] How much of the community reinvestment act is to blame for the great recession?

[21:00] Student loans compared to home loans, is this a perpetual problem?

[24:00] There’s a tremendous shortage of affordable new homes to buy, which is part of what’s driving inflation.

[27:20] San Francisco, what caused its high prices throughout history, and will that change from COVID-19?

[34:00] COVID-19 has employment implications, which will translate to housing implications.



Direct download: AMA_Barry_Zigas_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Investor, entrepreneur, and Crypto Expert, Mark Moss, returns to the show today discussing what's happening in Mexico compared to California? Moss, a California resident, shares some aspects of California that are proving problematic moving forward. Will these bills in motion and aggressive attempts to combat climate change cause a California market crash?

“Every problem boils down to the money,” says Mark Moss. Mark Moss talks with Jason Hartman about his feelings on bitcoin and why it might be the most favorable currency, even over the dollar. This talk includes a quick history lesson sharing one aspect of currency evolution. As well, what will happen when the stimulus ends?

Key Takeaways:

Mark Moss

[2:00] Why is that the power stays on in Mexico, but not in California?

[5:00] California is leading the charge on fighting back against climate change.

[8:30] And what do experts say about the cause of the fire?

[13:00] With California's chaos and the four bills in working order that could affect real estate, what will happen with the California real estate market?

[15:30] Will there be a real estate crash in 2021?

[17:10] Mark speaks about one market misconception.

[18:30] The markets; stock, real estate, gold, etc., have become disconnected. 

[20:00] What happens when the stimulus ends?

[22:30] How will this change cryptocurrency, like bitcoin? 

[25:15] What makes bitcoin superior to gold or the dollar?

[26:45] A history lesson on African cowrie/aggry beads.

[28:40] “If the people understood the banking system, there would be a revolution overnight.” Henry Ford


Mark Moss on Youtube

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Jason Hartman interviews Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, about everything monetary policy. Opening with one of Lynette’s favorite charts shared from the FRED, Federal Reserve Education Department, Lynette, and Jason guide us through a discussion to clear up nominal confusion. Zang shares recent developments with FedNow and how this will affect the individual. 

Jason asks Lynette what she recommends we should do to protect ourselves? Lynette expresses her confidence in gold and why this is one of the three central pillars of dynastic wealth. As well, Jason and Lynette discuss inflation, the how and why of its existence, and how it’s controlled. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Looking at one of Lynette’s favorite charts from the FRED, Federal Reserve Education Department. 

[3:45] Fiat literal translation: government decree.

[6:00] Nominal confusion; ‘they’ knew that people do not understand inflation and that they marry the legal money of the state because inflation causes nominal confusion. 

[9:00] What is a total financial reset?

[11:10] The FedNow is about you, the individual, having an account directly linked to the Federal Reserve.

[13:45] The basis of wealth is capital formation. You’ve got to save in order to invest.

[19:00] What is Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance?

[27:00] Whenever you hear the term nominal, you must understand that the truth is being hidden.

[28:30] What should we be doing to protect ourselves?

[29:10] Dynastic wealth is real estate, rare metals, and gold money. 

[31:40] Gold acts as wealth storage, holding its value over time. 

[33:55] Inflation is an invisible way for the government to tax you more.

[35:40] Real estate inside of a reset faces two issues. 

[37:30] There is almost no such thing as a free and clear property?

[43:30] How do negative interest rates work/exist?

[51:40] What does it mean when the LIBOR goes away?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

George Gammon joins Jason Hartman remotely from Saint Barthélemy. What's happening with Japan's debt to GDP ratio, and how can the US compare to this? George talks about the change in the savings rate due to Coronavirus and how it is manipulated. 

George and Jason discuss some ideas that the Fed may not want the common man to understand. As well, is deflation good or bad? Where are interest rates headed, and how can you come up with a prediction for that?

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Life in St. Barts, low crime rate, yachts, and more. 

[7:45] Jason opens the discussion on Japanonomics.

[8:55] The US deficit just this year will be the same as the total amount of debt accumulated from 1776 to 2000. 

[12:00] George talks on trades surplus.  

[17:00] How did Coronavirus change the US savings rate?

[20:00] How has the savings rate been manipulated based on IRS' estimates.'?

[21:15] What is it that the Fed, or the powers that be, don't want us to know?

[21:29] Is deflation good or bad?

[24:00] Who 'owns' the Fed?

[29:30] In a truly free market, one is always trying to create a product that has more value than the money in your pocket.

[30:30] Where do you think these interest rates are going?

[33:00] George discusses using the Fisher equation to determine interest rates in the future.

[38:00] Is inflation necessary? 

[44:30] Be prepared or you're going to be a victim

[48:55] What is Rebel Capitalist Pro?


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Direct download: AMA_Macro_Economic_Trends_Full_Interview_GG.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

He is one of the most famous economic investigative journalists of all time, Jason Hartman interviews James B. Steel. Jason ask James about the decimated middle class, how did we get here, and how can we get out? As well, James touches on health care and the American dream, and how to make the middle class viable again.


The newest book, America What Went Wrong, the Crisis Deepens

Key Takeaways:

[0:45] The middle class has been decimated, without a real dollar raise in four decades. How can this be?

[5:00] Discussing how the median income is behind pace.

[9:30] The free market has been wonderful for this country but it cannot solve this problem we’re in.

[13:00] How could health care be solved?

[17:00] Who are the global money men?

[18:00] Is there hope for the American dream?

[21:15] The solution; what is the foundation that makes the middle class viable again?


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Zoom Virtual Event: October 17th, 2020

Early Bird Admission:

Get Instant access to Jason Hartman’s newest report, you'll learn…

  • The modified square root shaped recovery
  • Understanding the rare economic malady of supply/demand shock
  • Generational PTSD and what it means to you & society
  • The six lifestyle mega-trends that will change the world forever
  • And much much more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Jason Hartman talks with Julio Gonzalez, founder of Engineered Tax Services, a licensed engineering firm that focuses on tax benefits at federal, state, and local levels. Julio’s expertise on tax credits gives us a different perspective on where the economy is headed. Today, Jason and Julio discuss property reuse for affordable housing and redistribution centers. Julio shares knowledge about tax credits from selling air rights to 5G infrastructure.

Key Takeaways:

Julio Gonzalez

[3:00] Is there a chance to see property reuse like hotels shifting to affordable housing?

[4:00] Many REITs are trying to redesign shopping centers into redistribution centers. 

[9:00] It’s hard to make predictions about where the economy will be without any history of vaccinating 7 billion people. 

[11:15] There are twenty tax credits associated with investing and real estate at the federal level. 

[13:00] The government is incentivizing 5G infrastructure as a tax credit.


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Former senior credit officer for two California banks, and editor and publisher of The Strategic Financial Intelligence monthly newsletter, John Truman Wolfe joins Jason Hartman today talking about the coming financial crisis. The question is, will the bubble pop, if so, what will happen? As well, John and Jason talk about banks worldwide, who to trust, how much to evaluate them, and what they’ve done wrong. Will banking eventually lead to a global digital currency?

Books: The Coming Financial Crisis & Crisis by Design by John Truman Wolfe

Key Takeaways:

[3:30] Big news from the Federal Reserve.

[9:30] How long will the Fed keep interest rates low?

[13:00] People keep predicting the end of the world, and it’s yet to happen. 

[14:00] John Truman Wolfe

[1:15] Talking derivatives: the thing about the thing. 

[1:45] Will this bubble pop, and what will happen if/when it does?

[6:00] John discusses the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and the Bail-In Policy.

[8:45] What should people do, and what banks are safe?

[13:40] How often should you evaluate your bank, and in what should you look?

[18:45] The biggest problem for the U.S. dollar is that the Fed has thrown 5.2 trillion dollars into the economy out of thin air. 

[34:00] Could we move to a world monetary system in the form of digital currency?


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Direct download: AMA__The_Coming_Financial_Crisis__Crisis_by_Design_by_John_Truman_Wolfe.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman interviews author of the book, Unfu*k Yourself, Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life, by Gary John Bishop. Bishop shares pieces of the philosophy that shaped his world. His joy for helping others gave momentum towards sharing his wisdom in book and audio form. His approach to life is designed around forgiveness, being honest with oneself, and that significant change is available to everyone. Gary John Bishop is also author to Stop Doing That Sh*t and Do The Work.

Key Takeaways:

[2:45] “Have you ever felt like a hamster on a wheel, furiously turning your way through life with somehow going nowhere” - Gary John Bishop

[4:00] The best place to start is finally telling yourself the truth.

[7:30] “You’re way more encumbered by what you think than anyone else.” G.J. Bishop

[9:45] How do I forgive someone/something?

[11:00] It’s amazing what things people will give up to be right.

[12:25] Should we always forgive?

[17:30] Significant change is available to you. 

[21:45] “Your success in life is almost exclusively tied to the degree that you can keep a promise to yourself.” G.J. Bishop 


Direct download: AMA_360_Unfu_k_Yourself_Gary_Bishop.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

There is nothing fair about forcing a person to join a labor union in order to have a job. Jason Hartman interviews Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Committee, as they discuss the impact of labor unions in the economy. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] In some states, you are forced to join a union if you want a job.

[2:00] Mark explains what it means to have a Right to Work in one of the 27 Right To Work states. 

[5:15] Is there still a need for labor unions in the workplace in the US?

[10:00] Employment growth has been higher in the right to work states versus forced-unionism states. 

[18:15] Simply put, the right to work states give power back to the worker instead of the union official.

[21:50] Generally, how much are union dues?



Direct download: AMA_National_Right_to_Work_Mark_Mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason interviews Chairman of Whalen Global Advisors LLC, R. Christopher Whalen. Whalen speaks on location changes of people and businesses due to Coronavirus. Not only are business locations changing, but companies have been forced to move away from the “old way” of doing business and finally adapting to innovations in technology and communication. Whalen also gives a glimpse into his recent book and discusses the fed’s strategy to steer clear of deflationary times. Will we see consequences from the creation of money and bailouts? 

Books: Inflated, How Money & Debt Built the American Dream  by R. Christopher Whalen

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Not only are people leaving big cities, like NYC, because of COVID-19, but large companies are also looking to move so that they can relocate their people. 

[4:30] Coronavirus has forced businesses to move out of “the old way.”

[8:50] A brief history of banking, from Abraham Lincoln to present.

[11:20] Before the creation of The Fed, J.P. Morgan was essentially the central bank. 

[13:00] Whalen breaks down how he differentiates between inflated as he puts it and inflation. 

[18:15] Will we see any consequences from the creation of money and bailouts?

[19:00] Quantitative Easing: central banks buy government bonds or other financial assets to inject money into the economy to expand its activity. 


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Jason Hartman speaks with Leslie Appleton-Young, vice-president and chief economist for the California Association of Realtors. Leslie brings several charts and graphs to the conversation to share some staggering movement in California's real estate. In January, 2020 was shaping up to be a knock out year, but due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are now looking at best for a quick recovery. Leslie and Jason draw correlations between the 2008 recession and recovery to the recent, seemingly, self-imposed recession. 

As well, Leslie shares data to support buyer/seller trends as emotions shift from the COVID-19 impact. The question continues to go unanswered, how will malls, retail space, and hotels change post coronavirus?

Key Takeaways:

[7:30] Jason and Leslie discuss predictions based on the Q2 hit in 2020, ranging from a 25% - 42% decline. 

[9:00] The buy-side of real estate is doing well, likely because of record low interest rates, more space needed for home offices, and more space desired in quarantine times. 

[15:30] In January, the 2020 expectation was to be a great year based on some standard metrics.

[16:20] We have not had a breakout market since the 2008 recession due to income and affordability restraints. 

[19:00] The virus and the government's response are two major contributing factors to set the tone for sellers and the recovery of the real estate market. 

[20:15] What is the general tone of California, are people staying or going? 

[24:45] We've seen a considerable adaptation of technology in the real estate industry. 

[30:00] Buyers feel a sense of urgency without expecting deals, while sellers are reluctant to lower their prices. 

[35:30] Jason and Leslie discuss the lack of supply and the building restrictions as one of the leading causes for a reduced amount of new homes being built. 

[38:00] How could malls, retail space, and hotels change into residential units for affordable housing, senior centers, or homeless shelters?

[40:30] What shape will the recovery take on? V, square root, swoosh, or W?

[43:00] The work-from-home order will likely be huge for housing.


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman answers a listener question about investing in real estate amid COVID-19. When is a good time to start, or to extend a portfolio? Also, a reminder about the greater fool theory related to WSJ’s mention of Apple’s latest valuation. Invest in something that makes sense the day you buy it. 

Phil Harvey is today’s guest, discussing his recent book and a few ways that tax dollars are distributed to some for questionable reasons. Phil shares everything from billionaires receiving million-dollar payouts for owning farmland to customers paying double the price of sugar in the local grocery store. 


Welfare for the Rich: How Your Tax Dollars End Up in Millionaires’ Pockets-And What You Can Do About It by Phil Harvey

LivestreamSunday Morning, Coffee Tok (Talk) 11 AM EDT

Key Takeaways:

[3:20] “Is now (COVID-19) a good time to start investing in real estate?” Listener, Scott

[8:45] Jason elaborates on pension plans versus real estate investing, a continuation of the question from a listener, Scott. 

[12:45] Apple just passed the 2 trillion dollar market cap: what did WSJ say about it?

[13:45] The greater fool theory

Phil Harvey

[19:40] How are taxpayers getting burned by welfare going to many of the wrong places?

[22:30] How are the well-to-do getting welfare? 

[24:30] Jason and Phil discuss the bonuses received by owners of farmland for no apparent reason. 

[29:30] Some coastal cities have zoned land in such a way that housing has become unaffordable. 

[34:30] Is the open spaces argument, “you’ve already got yours, so you’re not going to share?”

[36:15] Everyone pays twice as much as they should have to pay for sugar, to benefit which sugar baron?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

How much more can I borrow with interest rates this low? Jason Hartman shares some great news about mortgage rates and takes you through some strategy to take advantage of them. This investment discourse is built on United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) announcing today that they are rolling our a loan program that offers mortgage rates as low as 1.99%.

Key Takeaways:

[1:10] Mortgage interest rates: UWM announced today that it’s rolling out a loan program that offers mortgage rates as low as 1.99%

[8:00] What if you could only get a 10-year mortgage? 

[15:30] Mortgage hypotheticals: How much can I borrow today?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Patrick M. Wood, founder of Citizens For Free Speech, joins Jason Hartman for an in-depth discussion on technocracy. Who are some examples of current technocrats, and how are they influencing the economy? What is the link between Agenda 21 and technocracy? 

Wood and Hartman discuss the shift away from high-rise living due to COVID-19, something that challenges some expectations of experts claiming that the majority of the world would prefer living in cities. Wood explains the Trilateral Commission and the connection between it and several positions of power. 


Technocracy Rising: The Trojan horse of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] Where did the term technocracy originate?

[4:20] Who would be an expert that's running the world today?

[9:30] The United Nations is the torchbearer of technocracy sine 1992 and Agenda 21. Sustainable Development is a resource-based economic system instead of what is based on supply and demand. 

[15:00] Wood discusses how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposal for a Green New Deal became mainstream for both political sides. 

[17:45] The Great Reset, what does that actually mean? 

[19:00] All wealth starts from the ground. If you control the resources, you control the wealth. 

[22:00] No one will be interested in high-rise living and mass transit.

[27:45] What is The Trilateral Commission?

[30:45] COVID-19 is likely to move us toward a government-backed cryptocurrency. 

[35:30] Patrick gives his August forecast on the economy. 

[41:40] Citizens for Free Speech is a non-profit started by Patrick M. Wood (2018)



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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Dr. Bryan Taylor joins Jason Hartman as they rewind the clock 1,000 years to look at the history of interest rates and housing costs. The bubonic plague and the Spanish Flu have both had an impact on economics. How does this relate to Coronavirus? 

Living in urban areas has historically been out of necessity. Currently, technological advances have taken away the demand for living in highly populated areas. Taylor and Hartman discuss the change in housing costs as influenced by the bubonic plague 800 years ago, but how reliable is this information?

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Are interest rates the lowest they’ve ever been in history?

[3:20] Government debt explained based on the influences surrounding World War II

[4:20] Did Paul Volcker make the right moves?

[5:30] Are interest rates too low? What’s the fallout?

[8:30] Prices are being controlled mainly by a lack of demand.

[12:00] Flashback 102 years to the Spanish Flu, what happened economically?

[16:00] Are we to face a repeat of the roaring ’20s?

[20:00] Technology has solved the necessity of living in urban areas.

[21:15] During the bubonic plague, 1/3 third of the population was wiped out, while the houses remained, causing the most significant housing price drop in history.

[25:25] How reliable is 800-year-old data?


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman’s guest today is author of Was Jesus A Socialist?, Lawrence W. Reed. Jason and Lawrence clear up some confusion about socialism and communism. As well, Lawrence responds to the question, “Was Jesus A Socialist?” Lawrence goes on to share scripture interpretation and how we can learn about investing or magnifying wealth. Lastly, Hartman and Reed discuss The Great Depression and break down some myths about how it started. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] Let’s clear up a bit of confusion on the term socialism.

[3:45] How does socialism and communism compare/contrast?

[8:30] Was Jesus a socialist?

[11:00] What can scripture teach us about investing or magnifying wealth?

[14:30] Breaking myths of The Great Depression.

[17:30] Explaining government programs, FDR to present.

[20:45] No society that has ever lost its character, has kept its liberty



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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

What are the relations with China looking like for the US and for the rest of the globe? Brendan Ahern of the blog updates Jason Hartman on what he sees with China’s economy. Brendan touches on China’s ability to re-establish trust moving forward and how they might change from being such a largely export dependent country.

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Where is China now, in regards to reopening?

[3:15] How will China re-establish trust moving forward?

[6:15] How have the trade negotiations changed before and after COVID-19?

[9:45] “Even investing has become politicized”

[13:45] China realized that being very export dependent made them susceptible to downturns.

[20:30] Tourism has stopped, and not just in Hong Kong.


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Direct download: AMA_Brendan_Ahren_China_Trade_War.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Michael Daugherty joins Jason Hartman to reveal the corruption behind the system. It's a cycle of corruption for keeping safe amid the storm known as D.C. Michael shares his experience beating extortion only to be left hanging for the government. As well, Daugherty shares what he means "the trap that congress laid." 

Key Takeaways:

[1:15] The government has unlimited resources, prosecutors, and budgets, and none of 'us' have that.

[3:00] The dangers of academics like Woodrow Wilson.

[5:00] Michael Daugherty's story, from extortion to government. 

[9:30] Your enemy today will be your friend tomorrow, the cycle of corruption in DC

[13:30] Section 5 of the FTC Act: The trap that congress laid.

[16:15] What's Twitter's rational from removing Trump's video tribute to George Floyd?

[18:00] You can burn a house down in 3 seconds, you can't build it back as fast. 


YouTube Jason Hartman


Direct download: AMA_10th_1520_The_Devil_Inside_The_Beltway_Michael_Daughtery.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Nobody wants to live in high-density areas anymore. It’s gone beyond the fear of coronavirus. Investment counselor, Doug, talks with Jason about Inflation, Inflation, Inflation. As well, Doug and Jason discuss the middle-class fiction. What is happening to our middle-class, and how can we learn to create wealth? Finally, rent is due, and residential tenants are paying, but are commercial real estate landlords having the same good fortune through pandemic times? Everyone is working from home, and most people are enjoying it.

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Nobody wants to live in high-density areas anymore. It’s more than just coronavirus urging persons to move to suburban areas.

[5:00] We are watching the ultimate collapse of the “middle-class fiction.”

[9:30] The whole middle class is being hollowed out. 

[12:45] Rent stability seems to be almost on par with previous years.

[16:00] Commercial tenants are having a much bigger problem paying rent when compared to residential tenants. 

[20:00] Inflation, Inflation, Inflation. 

[26:45] If you give the government unlimited authority to deal with the climate, it won’t fix the climate. Instead, you’ll have an authoritarian government with an equal or worse climate. 

[31:30] People can work remotely, and they like it!


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Dr. Richard D. Wolff, professor of economics and author of Understanding Marxismjoins Jason Hartman today, discussing the global economic meltdown. Wolff shares his interpretation of marxism and why he believes that is has been poorly applied. As well, Hartman and Wolff discuss capitalism in America, the perception and the reality. 

Wolff and Hartman discuss the disproportionate pay between CEO and workers. The CEO to worker compensation ratio has changed dramatically. Wolff states that a cooperative/directorship might work using the example of The Mondragon Corporation. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:15] Was Karl Marx's ideas applied wrong?

[8:45] "A liberal and a marxist are not the same things."

[10:30] What is a Marxist? 

[12:45] Capitalism didn't make the break from fatalism and slavery that it thought it did. 

[16:45] Did any country have genuine pure marxism?

[20:30] "There's a reason that a very small number of people are capitalists (entrepreneur) and a very large number of people are workers" - Wolff

[20:45] How do we solve the issue of disproportionate pay between boss/worker, redistribution? 

[24:00] How would a company run with a representative republic, cooperative, or directorship?

[25:10] Successful Co-op, The Mondragon Corporation. 

[31:45] What is the Yellow Vests Movement?


Richard Wolff Youtube


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today by Chris Skinner, Chairman at the Financial Services Club and founder of Finanser. Chris has authored the books: Digital Bank: Strategies to Launch or Become a Digital Bank, Digital Human: The Fourth Revolution of Humanity Includes Everyone, and Doing Digital: Lessons from Leaders.

Jason and Chris talk about the future and the role that technology plays in it, or the lack of a role for humankind. This tech-talk touches on modern banking technology, how to start a bank with $50k. Lastly, robotics and philosophy. What is our purpose when work is in the hands of robots? 

Key Takeaways:

[2:15] Banks have been challenged technologically because they have not updated their systems

[4:00] Antiquated banking systems are often referred to as spaghetti structures that need updates recently forced by COVID-19.

[5:30] Big banks are too big to fail.

[8:00] What makes Stripe such a standout business regarding FinTech Companies?

[12:30] Everyday living is in the new hip and cool bank. 

[13:45] Can anyone launch a digital bank?

[17:00] Switching gears to robotics and technology in the future.

[20:00] There have been two significant behavioral shifts immediately since this lockdown.

[23:00] On robotics and essential work, what happens when people no longer need to work?




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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason interviews Chrysta Castañeda, author of The Last Trial of T. Boone Pickens. Get the oil and gas industry insight from Chysta, the go-to lawyer for high stakes litigation in the energy industry and beyond. Chrysta shares her experience with T. Boone Pickens and her knowledge of the current oil market problems. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] What happened with Pickens and how did the investment deal go bad?

[5:40] "As we saw the financial markets plummet, so did the oil market"

[6:30] Suadi Arabia and Russia are starting a supply war with oil, which was already oversupplied

[8:30] There is a coordinated market mechanism for oil production limitations

[11:40] Brief history about the name "Railroad Commission"

[14:00] Will we shift to a larger work-from-home community?

15 plastic



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Jason Hartman’s Blogcast

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Hugh Hendry joins Jason Hartman to share what was going through his head through the 2008 recession and what preliminary actions he took to position himself well. Everyone is wondering “where are we going [market]” and Hendry shares some thoughts based on actions the Fed took over the last 60 years. 

Hugh discusses the early signs of chaos that awaits us as we move away from an accepted form of order. It’s not always a perfect situation for investing, especially if you only have one mindset for profit. Chaotic times call for positioning yourself to profit from a different angle. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] 31.2% positive return back in the 2008 recession

[3:00] To be curious you have to misbehave first.

[6:30] Discussing the “boom-market in fear.”

[12:00] Everybody is wondering where we are going [market]? 

[28:00] What is your stance on Paul Volcker?

[21:30] What is the FED doing wrong?

[22:00] Looking for predictions in gold, the dollar, etc.

[29:30] We are conditioned by the very slow passage of time. 

[30:00] Gold has been trending.

[32:45] 50 years ago we were pivoting from chaos to order. Today, we are pivoting from an accepted order to chaos. 

[34:18] We live in a world where instead of reducing the money supply, they are desperate to increase the money supply.

[38:15] In preparation, think of the most chaotic events becoming normalized, and how you can profit from chaos instead of order.

[39:30] At the bottom of a deleveraging cycle, everything is cheap.

[41:30] “May you live in interesting times,” -the quote is back. 


Twitter: @hendry_hugh

Instagram: HughHendryOfficial

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Founder and former CEO of Build Direct, Jeff Booth, joins Jason on his discussion about deflation. Listen as best selling author of The Price of Tomorrow, Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future, shares some of the knowledge from his book on deflation in the economy. 


The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future by Jeff Booth

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] There is nothing governments can do long term, deflation will win.

[5:30] Speaking about 2008, we should’ve ended up in a depression.

[6:30] Governments all over the world distort the market; they don’t allow price discovery. 

[7:00] Elaborating on the “Ponzi Economy”

[8:00] Deflation makes your value of money go up because goods and services go down in relation to your money.

[9:00] Can deflation be responsible for inflation?

[9:45] Price discovery example scenario: Zoom went from 10 million to 300 million users in a month and a half. 

[10:45] Why do governments fight deflation? 

[14:45] Understanding the power of inflation as it pertains to paying debt, but how much power does technology have over inflation/deflation? 

[20:30] Jeff Booth explaining his idea of doubling up.

[22:00] How can we understand exponential growth?


Jeff Booth (@JeffBooth) · Twitter

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Pat Donohoe returns to the show to discuss how it is that an economy grows. The keyword here is debt. Debt is priced into everything and used for growth. Jason Hartman asks, “have the rules changes in an era of riots and civil unrest? Bailouts for everyone!

Key Takeaways:

[1:25] Have the rules changed in an era of riots and civil unrest?

[4:45] Sometimes, you need contrast to understand the value of one system.

[9:00] If someone makes a poor choice, there is no bailout. 

[13:00] Debt is priced into everything. It fuels the economy.  

[14:45] If you want to create real wealth, you simply must have capital formation.


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today we are joined by a Libertarian Presidential candidate and former felon who won his freedom representing himself. Mark Whitney joins Jason Hartman sharing his backstory from outlaw to free man. As well, he speaks on the suspension of the 'campaign trail' due to coronavirus. Mark talks to some of the challenges running for president. As well, he speaks to the ease of becoming a candidate. Jason asks Mark what he expects to see in our future, whether that's inflationary or not.

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Backstory, from felon to free man.

[8:30] Politics has been suspended. The trail in 'campaign trail' is gone.

[9:30] What were the lessons learned by representing yourself in court?

[12:30] There are generally about 2,000 people running for President of the U.S.

[13:45] The presidential commission on debates is a privately owned organization. This arrangement is so we can't site the constitution to say that our political speech is censored.

[14:30] How can you run?

[16:30] Are we looking at an inflationary future?



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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

What is the “dollar milkshake theory”? Brent Johnson joins Jason Hartman to share his ideas and concepts on macroeconomics. Particularly, what’s the strength of the U.S. dollar, and how does it compare to gold and other currencies? Brent also shares his thoughts on modern monetary theory and the possibility of its presence in the future, and potential problems.

Brent Johnson also discusses the broad term currency as it pertains to gold, the U.S. dollar, and many other currencies around the world. Brent shares his views on gold and the role it plays. As well, Brent and Jason discuss what is needed for money to be loaned into existence.

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Dollar milkshake theory.

[4:00] Discussing MMT Modern Monetary Theory

[5:30] Until a new system is designed, there is no place to go, other than the U.S. dollar.

[9:10] Does MMT work or is a pipe-dream?

[12:35] Let’s talk about gold and the role it plays.

[19:00] Because money is loaned into existence, you need monetary velocity or credit expansion to be taking place. 

[22:00] What about military tensions?

[26:45] How delicate is our economy that corporate giants need bailouts as bad as family-owned restaurants?


twitter: @santiagoaufund

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Mike Robbins joins us for some important lessons in mental health and dealing with grief. We are all grieving together, for ourselves and for those that surround us. It’s time to stop, pause, and reflect. How can we focus on the moment?

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Mike Robbins, the author of five books, Focus on the Good Stuff, Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, Nothing Changes Until You Do, and, Bring Your Whole Self to Work

[5:45] Perspective is important, and when we are in the middle of something, it’s difficult to have perspective on it

[7:30] Even though it may not seem like it right now, you have more than this requires

[8:15] If we are experiencing difficulty the common element is that we are focusing internally instead of externally

[11:30] The world has intervened in a way, and forced all of us to stop, pause, and reflect

[17:30] How do we focus on the moment?

[23:30] You can control your attitude and you can control your effort, everything else is some form of out of your control



Direct download: AMA_340_1440_Mike_Robbins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jason Hartman with guest, Harry Dent, for the rant of the year! “This is a bubble that is waiting to pop,” says Dent as he opens up about the Coronavirus just being a cover for some underlying economic issues. “This is much worse than a debt-bubble; it’s a financial asset bubble.”

Harry speaks on his thoughts about gold, cryptocurrency, and inflation. Specifically, asset vs. consumer inflation. What causes inflation? What’s to be expected in the future when it comes to commercial real estate? What will happen to the once sought after McMansions?

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] This is a bubble that was waiting to pop, and Coronavirus was just the cover.

[2:00] All of this money printing does not stop the virus. 

[6:00] There is no going back to normal after 25% of restaurants, and some areas closed down. 

[12:45] China has already hit its peak. They’re going to have trouble keeping up with India.

[14:30] What is Harry Dent’s opinion on cryptocurrency, bitcoin? 

[17:45] Gold correlates with one thing, inflation. 

[19:30] Money printing doesn’t necessarily cause inflation.

[20:30] What does cause inflation?

[23:15] Asset vs. consumer inflation, that’s the bubble. 

[25:00] This is way worse than the debt bubble; this is a financial asset bubble.

[29:30] Commercial real estate and McMansions will collapse while the 3/2 will go on to thrive. 

[35:00] The first billionaires were born of the great depression.


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Direct download: AMA_Harry_Dent_Rants_1487-88.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Not a cryptocurrency, but a COVID-Currency. Jason Hartman shares news of a small town in Washington that has created their own local currency, something that hasn’t been used since the Great Depression. And as always, it’s good to ask, “compared to what?” This letter home from a college student couldn’t illustrate this principle more clearly when it comes to gaining perspective. Let’s step back in time for a lesson on the inflation/deflation shell game. Lastly, Jason talks about the wildly unsurprising news that the bidding wars for homes have left the big cities and moved largely to the burbs. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Let’s not forget to ask one of life’s most important questions. 

[2:45] A letter home from a college student, further illustrating the strength of the question, “compared to what?”

[5:40] A small town in Washington is printing its own currency during the pandemic.

[12:45] House hunters are swarming the villages and rural communities outside of NYC.

[15:15] Predictions of housing purchases in the suburbs rising faster than those of the cities.

[16:45] The bidding war has moved to the burbs.

[22:40] From an Alexa Flash Briefing, The Inflation/Deflation Shell Game. 

[32:45] Playing some inflationary hypotheticals.


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Direct download: AMA_Small_Town_Currency_1486.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman speaks with a four-time best-selling author, and motivational speaker, Nick Adams. Today, they discuss how the U.S. will turn it around, and continue to be the greatest country in the world. How would things be different if Churchill had not been around, and what similarities can we draw comparing him to Trump? 

Book: Trump Vs Churchill, Defenders of Western Civilization by Nick Adams

Key Takeaways:

[3:30] How will the U.S. turn it around?

[6:30] Is the United States of America living up to its potential?

[9:00] How things would’ve been different had Churchill not have been around.

[10:20] Comparing Trump to Churchill.

[16:25] Never bet against America


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Direct download: AMA_American_Boomerang_1480.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The key is to take action, but the purpose of today’s show is to explain why the actions we take make sense. Jason Hartman and Evan Moffic discuss the mortgage credit availability index, MCAI, and affordability. What has changed since 2004? Why would one wait and try to time the market? What’s the opportunity cost of timing the market? 

Key Takeaways:

[3:00] Discussing the opportunity cost of lost money by waiting and trying to time the market. 

[4:00] Diving into the affordability index and the MCAI

[9:20] Mortgage Credit Availability Index MCAI

[10:00] Affordability = mortgage payments vs income

[12:30] Show recommendation, America In Color

[14:00] Watching the index move, in hindsight, from 2004 to 2019. What can we learn and expect?

[22:00] At some point, you want to be satisfied. 

[24:15] “Successful people are willing to do things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.”

[30:00] Choose your company well.


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Direct download: AMA_336_1478_Evan_Moffic_MCAI_Migration.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Position or Profit? Position yourself for the rise of suburbia. With several contributing factors for people migrating away from mid-rise and high-rise condos, suburbia looks better and better. Jason Hartman shares real estate investing strategies that have proven effective for decades. However, current events have made these strategies more appealing. Investment Counselor, Doug, shares supporting investment tips based on the book, The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel. 


The Dao of Capital by Mark Spitznagel

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Investment Counselor, Doug

[1:30] Discussing, The Dao of Capital, Investing in a Distorted World, Mark Spitznagel

[3:00] Instead of focusing on profit, focus on your position. 

[7:00] Discussing strategies like searching for weak companies

[11:00] When you have population migrations it puts upward pressure on both price and rents

[14:30] The demand for sub 250k homes goes up, as 2.3 million potentially leave mid and high-rise condos. 

[20:00] Dollar-cost averaging, the Spitznagel way. 

[22:00] Timing the market, people often forget to calculate the cash that they lose by waiting. 

[24:00] People buy a house because the payment is affordable, not the price. 


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Direct download: AMA_1476_Mark_Spitznagel_Doug_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Consuelo Mack of Wealth Track on PBS joins the show today to elaborate on the effects of the non-discriminatory Coronavirus. She expects to see two economic waves from this, and the second has yet to hit. Find out where she, unlike many others, recommends that you invest. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Yes, this pandemic is non-discriminating, but a great takeaway is how lucky we are in America. Now is a time for most to reevaluate their personal, and professional lives. 

[4:00] Expecting two waves in the economy. First, the shock and stop. Second, the aftershock and termination of employees.

[5:00] Cash reserves are extremely valuable in times of crisis. 

[6:00] Cash is not trash! 

[7:45] The value of liquidity can not be underestimated at times like this.

[12:00] People are already taking action to leave high-density areas.

[17:20] Reverse mortgages

[23:15] What role does FinTech play in all of this?


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Direct download: AMA_1464_Consuelo_Mack.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with guest, Mark Moss, who believes in fully diversifying your investment portfolio. Mark shares his strategy on investing in gold, stocks, real estate, and even cryptocurrency. All of his strategy leads back to the idea that cashflow is the name of the game. Bitcoin does not need to be the global currency to have weight and validity. From game-theory to understanding what gives the currency its value, Mark shares what he knows about investing across the board. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] The smartest people in the world know that they don’t know.

[3:00] Cashflow is always the name of the game, but I don’t forget about investing for growth.

[7:00] Determine your own tolerance for risk.

[9:45] Understanding money creating, through debt.

[11:25] Since 1971, our standard unit of value has been severed.

[14:00] Fake wealth vs creating wealth

[17:00] Shifting to Cryptocurrencies

[19:00] Shifting to Cryptocurrencies 

[22:20] Will cryptos lead to a separation of money and state?

[26:00] There shall never be sound money again until it is taken from the government. 

[29:10] Understanding the bitcoin halving.

[32:30] While bitcoin may be limited, Cryptos, in general, have no limit?


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Direct download: AMA_Mark_Moss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jim Puplava joins today’s show with much to talk about the supply chain disruption, and what’s to come of it. Jim says that business innovation is a must, and it looks as though companies like Walmart have already started making changes. These efficiencies aren’t only applicable in pandemic times, these strategies will prove to benefit businesses and patrons while we shelter-in-place or not. 

Jim Puplava’s interview is continues with a discussion on inflation or stagflation, where do we see the immediate future of the U.S.? As well, Jim shares some interesting concepts about cryptocurrency, why it might be used, and why it might be rejected. Finally, Jim answers why negative interest rates cause a problem with cash. 

Key Takeaways:

Jim Puplava

[1:00] The supply chain has been disrupted. While it will take some time to correct, some of it will be beneficial. 

[3:00] Inflation is a lot more money chasing fewer goods and services.

[10:40] Still singing the “creative destruction” tune. Business innovation is a must.

[11:45] The oil market, and the perfect storm. 

[17:15] Is our future inflationary or stagflationary? 

[24:20] Jim, what do you think about cryptocurrency?

[26:35] Why do negative interest rates cause a problem with cash?

[30:48] In the U.S., what’s the result of our debt to GDP ratio getting out of line?




Direct download: AMA_1459_Jim_Puplava_Inflation_or_Stagflation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Ellen Brown is today’s guest here to discuss Universal Basic Income, UBI. As well, she shares some interesting details about what happens to the money when a debt is paid. How did China increase its money supply by such a large percentage in two decades? 

Key Takeaways:

Guest: Ellen Brown, author of over a dozen books including, The Public Bank Solution, From Austerity to Prosperity

[2:30] What is a postal account? 

[10:45] What is the end game of money spending?

[12:10] Money is lent into existence. Banks create the principal but they don’t create the interest, so debt always grows faster than the money supply.

[15:00] The real economy is always short of money because there’s a hole in the bucket that always drains into the financial economy.

[16:00] What is the financialized economy? 

[20:20] Debt grows until it gets so high that people can’t borrow anymore, so they pay down their debts instead of taking out new debts. That shrinks the money supply. That goes into deflation which goes into depression. 

[22:30] Money evaporates when it pays off the debt.

[26:30] All of our money is credit. China increased its money supply by 1800% in twenty years, and they did not run into hyperinflation. Find out more. 



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Direct download: AMA_1455_Ellen_Brown_UBI.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Coronavirus Quarantine Survivor, attorney, author, and actress, Juanita Ingram joins Jason Hartman to discuss Taiwan’s reaction to Coronavirus, approximately 30 days before it hit the U.S. What did Taiwan do right, and how did SARS prepare them for this problem. Born in Tennessee, and made her way through the U.K. and finally to Taiwan, hear Juanita’s perspective on the differences of culture and how Coronavirus was handled. 

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] What’s going on in Taiwan, so close to China? 

[5:00] From Wuhan Virus to COVID-19, the changes made in Taiwan, approximately 30 days ahead of the U.S.

[6:45] After Taiwan’s experience with SARS, they had a pandemic plan in place. Taiwan is now being called the blueprint of what should’ve been done

[9:30] Taiwan’s cases escalated due to the import of cases from outside of the country. 

[13:30] Two ER Doctors in Atlanta, Georgia that both tested positive. One is very sick, and the other is asymptomatic. 


Direct download: AMA_330_Juanita_Ingramm_10th.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Doug Casey, author of Crisis Investing: Opportunities and Profits in the Coming Great Depression, joins Jason to discuss the biggest hysteria since the Salem Witch Trials. Casey shares his opinion on The Great Recession and the role it might play in the potential Greater Depression. Learn why Casey advises one to invest in mining, and his feelings on bonds, stocks, cash, gold, and cryptocurrency in comparison.

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] “The biggest hysteria since the Salem Witch Trials” - Casey

[4:45] Casey presupposes that the worst of the 2008 recession is yet to come, and that for the last 8-10 years, we have been in the calm, the eye, of the storm.

[6:30] “This could be more than a financial meltdown. Possibly an economic and social meltdown as well.”

[7:00] The U.S. is no longer a country, but more-so a multi-dimensional, domestic, empire.

[9:20] Bonds are a triple threat, about the worst place for your money at this time.

[11:30] Bonds, stocks, cash, gold, cryptocurrency?

[15:15] Have we entered the greater depression? This could potentially be the biggest upset since the industrial revolution.

[20:50] Surviving a depression, the most important thing is to have assets where there is no counter-party risk. Something in which you don’t have to trust a bank, insurance company, or your pension fund.

[23:30] Having fun, what about mining the asteroids?



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Direct download: AMA_1451_Doug_Casey_The_Person_Who_Loses_the_Least_Wins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

James Altucher joins Jason to share his viewpoints on the economy, stocks, and more specifically the stimulus. As well, listen to the seriousness of this pandemic from a New Yorker’s perspective, and what it’s like managing life in the most challenging U.S. coronavirus area. 

James also discusses his moves in the stock market, and why he favors certain positions. As well, this pandemic will accelerate our development with technology and how we perceive colleges vs certificates.  

Key Takeaways:

Guest: James Altucher

[2:30] The New York and New Jersey Coronavirus perspective vs the rest of the nation.

[5:30] “The earlier models were wrong”

[10:10] “As long as you keep seeing insanity happen, those are all canaries in the coal mine.” -Altucher

[11:00] We know that the economy is going to wake up, we just don’t know when and how.

[12:40] Understanding why we should prep for supply shock.

[14:15] The GDP of a year is about 20 trillion dollars, 5 trillion per quarter. There is an expectation that 2 to 3 trillion will be withdrawn from the economy this quarter. 

[18:30] Is this stimulus enough, are the right people getting it?

[20:10] We, the proverbial We, all live better now than the richest people of the past. 

[28:39] Don’t buy SPY “the spider”, go with RVT instead. Royce Value Trust Inc

[29:20] Anything that was going to happen in ten years, will happen tomorrow

[31:00] Altucher shares his preferences on stocks based on some forced trends bound to happen in the next ten years.

[35:45] Florida has “luxury weather.”

[39:30] 40 alternatives to college, with James Altucher. 



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Direct download: AMA_328_James_Altucher_1453_1454.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Be a doer! Jason Hartman discusses the risk/reward investment concepts when looked at in hindsight. It’s not about gambling, it’s about building solid fundamentals for investing. It’s understanding the advantages of multi-dimensional assets.

Jim Rogers returns to the show for his first time in seven years. Jim talks with Jason about government power, and their financial strategies. The big question concerning government stimulus right now is, “how will we suffer from this?” 

Jason’s Recommendations For Your Library:

Earl Nightingale’s Greatest Discovery

Jim Rogers, Adventure Capitalist

Key Takeaways:

[3:15] The hardest ship to sail is a partnership. Investing Commandment Number 3, “thou shalt maintain control”

[7:30] When you look back over time, the rewards always go to the doers. They always go to the risk takers!

[12:00] Returns based only on inflation induced debt destruction…at the official rate of inflation, which is often understated. 

[13:30] Jim Rogers

[19:30] Every government wants more power than they have.

[21:20] How will we suffer from this?

[27:00] “Whenever things go wrong in a country, thought history, politicians blame foreigns”

[36:00] “When I was younger, many people helped me. Even if I look like a fool, I’d like to help people where I can” -Jim Rogers


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Direct download: AMA_1463_Jim_Rogers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Casey Weade interviews Jason on the idea of pandemic investing, and how to know when it’s the right time to start investing in real estate. Since the remote world is becoming easier, and more friction-free, suburbia is on the rise. More so than ever, the home is the center of the universe. Pandemic investing means knowing about investment principles that work in hard times or easy times. If it makes sense the day you buy it, and the property is for essential living, you’re off to a good start.

Key Takeaways:

[2:00] Casey Weade talks pandemic investing

[7:05] Crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind

[10:00] Suburbia is uniquely American

[14:00] The remote world is becoming easier, and more friction-free

[16:00] When is the right time to start investing in real estate?

[24:30] The home is the center of the universe

[28:00] Travel will change, and rentals will follow

[31:30] Vacationing is optional, so in tougher times, short-term rentals may suffer

[35:00] A good RV ratio, 1%, is worth its weight



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Direct download: AMA_Casey_Weade_Pandemic_Investing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today, Jason Hartman discusses the Phillips curve and its relevance to our current economic situation. While we are all challenged in ways to adapt to our shelter-in-place advising, several benefits are being popularized out of necessity. Telemedicine, or telehealth, is growing rapidly, and not just for humans. Veterinary practices are using telemedicine for your pet's health as well.

Steve Hochberg returns to elaborate on the Elliott Wave. How do we know when we have too much debt, the U.S., or the individual? 

Key Takeaways:

[1:00] Is Kim Jong-Un alive?

[5:30] Telemedicine, we’re finally there

[8:00] The Phillips curve

[14:00] Monetary policy comes from central banks, and fiscal policy comes from the government 

Guest: Steve Hochberg

[22:00] Everything the Fed has said they’re going to do has been backed by the Treasury. The treasury has pledged to cover any losses that the Fed is going to incur through their lending programs, and this can’t go on forever

[24:00] How do we know when we have too much debt?

[28:30] “I think there’s a huge bull market starting right now, and it’s the bull-market in cash” -Hochberg


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Direct download: AMA_1448_Phillips_Curve_Elliot_Wave_Steve_Hochberg_PART_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Returning guest, Harry Dent, discusses the economy, company buybacks, and quantitative easing. Take a deeper look into the economic influence of each generation with their peak earning power, and peak spending trends. 

We are all searching for information on what to expect in uncertain times. Look at patterns Harry has analyzed to predict what’s to come. Jason discusses the roommate component as a part of understanding shadow demand for housing. 

Harry Dent shares his thoughts on where Baby Boomers and Millennials will go next, be that downsizing or repurposing the McMansions. What differences between the two generations have led to peak earning and peak spending trends, and how will they affect the housing market? 

[1:30] Harry Dent, Demographer

[2:30] Puerto Rico, better weather, lower cost and better tax benefits

[3:53] Famous for predictions on all aspects of the economy

[3:50 ] QE Quantitative easing

[8:00] What is the age of someone’s peak earning power and peak spending?

[8:50] “Quantitative easing is not putting money into the banks system and lending, it is literally buying financial assets like bonds, which puts more money into the pool that’s actually chasing financial assets, and that drives up financial assets.” - Dent

[13:55] Company stocks are going up because of shrinking the number of shares, rather than growing the economy

[13:25] You say the economy is fake?

[14:25] Governments always stimulate the economy

[17:55] Are company stock buybacks really that bad? 

[18:00] The stock market is the best leading indicator of the economy

[23:00] After 1995, things start to get out of whack in relation to GDP

[27:10] Every 90 years, like a clock, we see a bigger bubble and a crash

[31:00] What are the biggest bubbles now, Apple, Google, Amazon, tech companies

[34:00] China’s workforce peaked in 2011 and has been declining ever since

[38:40] Harry explains the repo-market 

[40:00] Harry Dent, "The baby boomers have sold their homes and joined the renters"

[43:00] In general, are the millennials in a good place or a bad place?

[46:00] Harry, “I like the high quality, the ten and thirty-year U.S. Treasury Bonds”

[50:00] What’s to come of the Millenials and the McMansions? 

[52:00] If we don’t rebalance this debt, and go through what you always go through after a debt bubble, we may end up like Japan

[56:00] Jason, "Financial assets like the wall street economy vs real assets like the main street economy are far riskier"


Jason Hartman Youtube: Harry Dent


Direct download: AMA_1427-29_Harry_Dent.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Beware of the 'invisible tax,' inflation. Jason Hartman discusses inflation, poverty, and work-from-home lifestyle and advantages. In these challenging times, what professionals are able to stay optimistic? How are the elites transferring wealth?

In part II of today’s show, Jason interviews Jessica Mah, founder of inDinero. Tune in for pro-tips on loan approval for PPP & EIDL. How can you optimize your time with loan delays, and get ahead of the game? And, don’t forget to prep for the end-game of these loans, will they be forgiven? Follow the rules and we shall see. 

Key Takeaways:

[3:15] There are two types of taxation that we are paying: 1) The tax that we see, income tax, sales tax, etc 2) The inflation tax, which destroys the purchasing power of our money

[7:30] People are being driven into poverty in this quarantine, making it very difficult for some to adjust to the work-from-home lifestyle

[13:30] “Tis the set of the sails, And not the gales, Which tell us the way to go.” -Ella Wheeler Wilcox

[16:00] How are the elites transferring wealth?

[19:30] Jessica Mah, founder of inDinero, helping entrepreneurs run better businesses

[20:50] PPP has run out? Only 6% of all applications have been approved by the SBA and funded. 

[21:15] The SBA is saying the best option is to use the bank you are already with, although Jessica has seen more success getting a loan through smaller regional banks

[23:15] Have you seen success in getting loans with brokers?

[25:30] Every bank is accepting PPP & EIDL applications even though they’re both on hold due to running out of money

[26:45] How can you be successful at getting your slice of the bailout pie?

[18:30] Pro-Tips: Show your work; have an excel spreadsheet that shows how you came to your figures

[30:30] How difficult is the one-page application? 

[31:00] The Magic Question, “What is all of the information you need from me in order for the bank to formally process my loan application and submit it to the SBA?”

[34:00] This loan could be forgiven if properly played out

[38:00] Encouraged to apply for PPP & EIDL, but PPP is the better of the two options for covering big payroll sheets



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Direct download: AMA_1439_Jessica_Mah_inDinero_SBA_LOANS_PPP_EIDL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Stay Calm, Keep Good Counsel, Keep Your Eye On The Ball, Take Action. Rinse, and repeat. Jason Hartman is joined in today’s episode with his co-host from the Solomon Success Show, Rabbi Evan Moffic. Evan brings up some challenging questions about a new potential tax break from the CARES Act. What does Trump bring to the table as our first RE President? Will there be a global currency or an ever-growing nationwide rental assistance program?

Key Takeaways:

[1:25] New tax break, CARES Act, using depreciation to offset capital gains? 

[5:20] Trump is the first RE President

[8:30] Herd immunity thoughts in the U.S.

[10:00] Public health is linked to the economy

[12:30] Stay calm, keep good counsel, keep your eye on the ball, take action

[23:00] Review from a listener, Andrew. Thank you!

[25:15] Will we go to a nationwide rental assistance program, like section-8?

[27:00] Will there be a push to a crypto-currency? 


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Direct download: AMA_322_CARES_ACT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason speaks with a client about their experience with a tenant not paying April 1. What are some creative resolutions to a tenant not being able to pay in hard times? In most situations, being strict with your tenant is advised, but in times as tragic as these, compassion goes a long way. What’s to come of China’s role in the world?

In part two of today’s show, Adam checks in with a lender for updates on mortgage rates and what to expect going forward. Lenders are still wary about how the market will go but advances in technology are being improved to close deals remotely. This is because tools are becoming more readily available like online notary with video proof. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] Tenants aren’t paying rent, but it’s our time as landlords to adjust our strategies

[8:00] Have a little compassion for your tenants 

[12:30] Look for creative resolutions to tenants not able to pay April rent

[17:40] Now, what is China’s role in the world, it’s changed so fast?

[28:00] When mortgage rates hit historic lows, and everyone is trying to refinance in one month, lenders hit capacity

[29:30] As we look for normalcy in the market, lenders are still very wary of where it may go

[25:15] Unemployment claims typically hover around $600k (weekly basis), predicted by Goldman Sachs to rise to $2.25 million

[39:00] If you want to know what’s best for your rate, you want to see the fed or other entities buying up mortgage-backed securities

[42:40] Technology is making advances so loans can continue to close, eg. online notary


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Direct download: AMA_321__COVID-19_Baby_Boom_When_Tenants_Cant_Pay_Mortgage_Update.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Our returning guest, Harry Dent, discusses the economy, company buybacks, and quantitative easing. Take a deeper look into the economic influence of each generation with their peak earning power, and peak spending trends. 

We are all searching for information on what to expect in uncertain times. Look at patterns Harry has analyzed to predict what’s to come. Jason discusses the roommate component as a part of understanding shadow demand for housing. As well, Harry explains the repo-market.

Harry Dent shares his thoughts on where Baby Boomers and Millennials will go next, be that downsizing or repurposing the McMansions. What differences between the two generations have led to peak earning and peak spending trends, and how will they affect the housing market? 

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Harry Dent, Demographer, Famous for predictions on all aspects of the economy

[6:00] What is the age of someone’s peak earning power and peak spending?

[8:50] “Quantitative easing is not putting money into the banks system and lending, it is literally buying financial assets like bonds, which puts more money into the pool that’s actually chasing financial assets, and that drives up financial assets.” - Dent

[11:55] Company stocks are going up because of shrinking the number of shares, rather than growing the economy

[13:25] You say the economy is fake?

[17:55] Are company stock buybacks really that bad?

[18:30] The stock market is the leading indicator of the economy

[27:10] Every 90 years, like a clock, we see a bigger bubble and a crash

[31:00] What are the biggest bubbles now, Apple, Google, Amazon, tech companies

[34:00] China’s workforce peaked in 2011 and has been declining ever since

[38:40] Harry explains the repo-market

[42:00] In general, are the millennials in a good place or a bad place?

[52:00] What’s to come of the Millenials and the McMansions? 

[58:00] If we don’t rebalance this debt, and go through what you always go through after a debt bubble, we may end up like Japan


TAX SALE Webinar Link

Jason Hartman Youtube: Harry Dent


Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Direct download: AMA_320_Harry_Dent_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with Norm Champ, a partner in the New York office of Kirkland & Ellis LLP about preventing the next crisis. Find out some helpful financial tips from the author of Mastering Money: How to Beat Debt, and Be Prepared for Any Financial Crisis. As the former director of the Division of Investment Management at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Norm’s experience and viewpoint has many valuable lessons. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:05] Where is the next financial crisis going to come from?

[5:00] The home in which you live, is not necessarily something that needs to be owned

[11:00] Renting vs owning, taking care of the property is one of the major benefits to seeing ownership

[15:00] Understanding affinity fraud

[20:00] What is the Volker Rule? Was it supposed to replace the Glass-Steagall Act?

[28:00] There are some benefits from circulation between the private side and the public side



Direct download: AMA_Norm_Champ_Mastering_Money.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm EST

Kerry Lutz returns to the show to discuss the looming recession due to the coronavirus. China is coming back online with products, but who will be on the receiving end? Jason shares predictions on the rise of suburbia and the ever-diminishing desire to live in high-density cities. Who will receive the U.S. bail-out?

Key Takeaways:

[2:30] You can’t shut down the economy for even 90 days and expect to not have a major recession

[3:50] China is coming back online to some extent now

[7:48] Why would the U.S. bail out the cruise lines?

[13:00] The Federal Reserve is now a bond buyer and might soon become a stock buyer as well

[16:50] What’s to be made of all of the sudden CEO resignations?

[19:15] Expansions create millionaires but recessions create billionaires

[27:30] The rise of suburbia


TAX SALE Webinar Link

Direct download: AMA_318__HS_540_COVID_19_Brings_Money_To_US.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am EST

Today, Jason Hartman unlocks one of the most powerful investment tools as an alternative to the 1031 exchange. The great thing about coupling an unsecured loan with a qualified intermediary installment sale is that you start with a new property and a new depreciation schedule. 

Before this investment skill is revealed, Jason shares an update on the promise of the ‘federal’ reserve plan to keep the economy in shape. Beware of the elevator, even the NYTimes is talking about the population density problem. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:10] The US ‘federal’ reserve is taking the role of buzz lightyear, to infinity and beyond. They will provide unlimited asset purchases, with no limit to what they will do to prop up the economy

[5:32] Winning is a relative game: Here’s how you do it!

[9:35] “Density is really an enemy in a situation like this (coronavirus)” NYTimes Dr. Steven Goodman, an Epidemiologist at Stanford University

[10:10] Trump is going to reopen the US

[11:00] Chinese are cleaning their money, digital currency

[12:00] Everybody needs more room if we are going to be at home all the time

[14:25] Guest, Tom

[16:45] If you do an installment sale, you pay taxes on an annual basis

[19:15] Why is a QI (qualified intermediary) needed?

[25:50] The great thing about coupling an unsecured loan with a qualified intermediary installment sale is that you start with a new property and depreciation schedule 

[28:50] Don’t forget the rule of 72

[33:10] This can be a rescue from a 1031 exchange that isn’t working out


Direct download: AMA_1031_Exchange_Alternative_with_Tom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Can we talk about something else? Jason Hartman invites Michael Ainslie to the show to discuss his book, A Nose For Trouble. As well, Michael shares his business tactics helping to grow Sotheby’s in his time with the company. In his stories as Director of Lehman Brothers, Michael talks about SATURDAY MORNING, the weekend that changed Wall Street forever, and some hypotheticals had things gone differently in 2008. And finally, Michael shares a brief story about the beginning of The Posse Foundation. 

Key Takeaways:

[3:00] Ten (actually 21) Commandments of Successful Investing, Amendment: Commandment number 22?

[7:00] Michael Ainslie

[9:15] Sotheby’s growth using “good, basic business tactics”

[13:18] The art market and purchasing of major works has become a way for new wealth to distinguish themselves

[13:40] The Sotheby’s scandal with Christie’s Auction Company

[16:00] Sotheby’s real estate, “white elephants”

[20:00] SATURDAY MORNING, Geithner said, “you have two hours to save Lehman,” the weekend that changed Wall Street forever

[24:08] If there were no bailouts, what would that have looked like?

[33:10] The Posse Foundation story


Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Direct download: AMA_CW_1413_Michael_Ainslie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

Hoax or not, we are facing a recession. Jason Hartman discusses the suburban differences between China and the U.S. We should all expect to see Stimulus Maximus. How much debt can we handle before things don’t work out? 

Our guest today is Venture Alliance Member Mike Zlotnik who is preparing for the good, bad and ugly. 

Key Takeaways:

[3:00] Hoax or not, we are facing a recession

[5:15] √ 

[10:00] The U.S. is unlike China, think suburbia

[11:50] Stimulus Maximus

[14:00] How much debt is too much debt? Nobody knows

[19:30] How is the market responding to the Coronavirus right now?

[20:30] I cannot predict the future, just prepare for the good, bad, and the ugly

[29:15] Buying limited partner (LP) shares at a big discount

[31:30] A migration away from the dense areas of residence


VIDEO: Don't Expect Millions To Die From Coronavirus, Says Richard Epstein


Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)


Direct download: AMA_Mike_Zlotnik.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

In today’s episode, Jason is joined from across the world with Shenzhen, China local, Gary Halmbacher to discuss Black Swan Event Coronavirus. Gary shares his experiences with self-quarantining, and local changes just north of Hong Kong. 

In the second segment, Jason is joined by Sarasota, Florida realtor, Jeff Twigg. Jason and Jeff discuss aspects of Dan Amerman’s workshop, including ALM. The two also discuss the unanticipated predictions made by Dan Amerman.

Key Takeaways:

[3:05] Guest Gary, from Shenzhen, China explains being self-quarantined

[9:40] Guest Jeff Twigg

[13:11] Discussion on Dan Amerman workshop, and some of his surprising predictions

[16:45] The Roth IRA might go away? 

[22:35] Means-testing for Social Security

[24:00] ALM Asset Liability Management Strategy



Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Jason Hartman’s Blogcast


Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman speaks with returning guest and author of the book, “Heads I Win Tails You Lose,” Patrick Donohoe. The conversation touches on topics of an ever changing world culture that continues to reshape how we approach wealth, the freedom to do, and in what we find meaning. Despite some of the chaos and cultural decay, the 2020’s are going to bring some excitement to the world.

Key Takeaways:

[20:40] It’s not freedom from having to do something, it’s freedom to do something.

[22:07] The order of magnitude: an interesting time in history where we are going to see massive change. 

[24:00] The rising 3 billion, that aren’t online yet: If you think that society has benefited from sharing knowledge, you’re right. 

[26:38] There will always be winners and losers

[28:40] The Ritz Carlton Slogan discussion “Systemize the predictable so you can humanize the exceptional.”

[32:27] People are still trying to find meaning in other things. 

[33:16] A little bit of struggle is good for the human spirit



Direct download: AMA__Pat_Donahoe_Its_Amazing_To_Be_Alive.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman is joined today by mortgage consultant and trainer, Jen Du Plessis. As a real estate investor, it’s great to gain insight on both sides of the mortgage business. Jason and Jen discuss GSE, QM and non-QM loans, as well as the great recession and where the pendulum has moved to now. This leads to a prediction of interest rates dropping even more.

But before that, Jason offers congratulations because rent is on the rise. Listen to some average rent rates across the country and plan accordingly.

Key Takeaways:

[1:50] Investor Congratulations! Rents on the rise

[3:40] Book, “Debt, The First 5,000 Years” by David Graeber

[6:50] Not one person in a thousand can understand our monetary system

[9:00] Landlord vs tenant in NYC 

[12:28] According to Yardi Matrix; About 1.5 million housing units were delivered over the last five years, and 3,000 more expected for delivery this year. A housing shortage? Yes!

[17:00] GSE: Government Sponsored Enterprise

[19:00] What’s QM? And what’s non-QM?

[29:16] From 2004, through the great recession, where is the pendulum now?

[30:20] Right now, the average mortgage company makes $457/loan they originate.

[32:30] Are we going to see interest rates go down even more?


Jason Hartman Quick Start Podcast

The PropertyCast

Direct download: AMA_from_CW1399_Jen_Du_Plessis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Today, Jason Hartman and George Gammon discuss topics such as, The Doom Vortex/feedback loop, oil prices, bonds, and what the world needs to prepare for the Coronavirus fallout. COVID-19 is playing a big role in economic changes and Jason and George break down some of the less obvious concepts of how this plays out. Today’s episode dives deep into understanding the relationships existing in the global market.

Key Takeaways:

[3:05] The big differences between the Coronavirus and the normal Flu are the R Naught Value, and Serious (non-fatal) Complication Rate

[9:25] COVID-19: a tougher, more hardy virus, living outside of the body

[12:00] A supply shock and a demand shock in the U.S.?

[16:05] How the corporate bond markets and the credit markets are affected by the crash in oil, Coronavirus and everything bubble turning into an everything crash

[14:15] The stock market is like buying in cyclical real estate markets

[28:15] When Triple B bonds get downgraded to junk bonds

[34:25] Sooner or later, companies like Tesla or Uber will need to sell equity to generate the cash they need to sustain themselves, especially in a recession

[40:10] During a recession, tax receipts plummet 


Jason Hartman Quick Start

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Jason Hartman’s Blogcast

Direct download: AMA_George_Gammon_Coronavirus_ETC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Jason Hartman speaks with today’s returning guest, Adam, about current news including; another federal rate cut and COVID-19. While it’s hard to escape the COVID-19 discussion right now, it’s easy to plan for your financial future. Jason and Adam discuss the property investment benefits of an ever-increasing work-from-home environment.

Check out two new construction property profiles with a great debt coverage ratio. Also, be the first to see new properties in the Proforma by subscribing to the PropertyCast in the link below.

Key Takeaways:

[1:30] Another rate cut by the not-so federal reserve

[4:40] COVID-19 may fade out by springtime

[7:00] The 100k bread-and-butter home holds a profit until your rent drops more than 20%

[9:00] New construction in Jacksonville

[10:37] Debt coverage ratio = how likely am I to ever get into trouble with this property

[13:00] Property Cast – uploaded Proformas in pdf form, distributed like a podcast

[17:30] A new construction in Palm Coast

[21:00] General health: stop high-fiving. Instead, maybe bow?

[24:45] The British government is telling people to avoid human contact for twelve weeks


Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn)

Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes)

Jason Hartman’s Blogcast

Direct download: AMA_Adam_March2020_Friday_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and Investment Counselor Adam take a moment today to discuss the hot topic of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Adam, being a big proponent of MMT, plays a clip from a recent episode of The MMT Podcast and discusses what MMT is, how we can use it in our observation of the economy, and what it can mean for our investing. After they finish up their MMT talk, the two profile a property that's available in the Atlanta, GA market.

Key Takeaways:

[3:49] How money becomes money

[8:03] Why Adam and Jason think cryptocurrencies not backed by the government will never thrive

[14:25] What we actually need to worry about when we have a tax cut or increase in government spending

[17:37] Shrinking deficits lead to pullbacks and federal surpluses lead to recessions

[25:40] Property profile in Atlanta


Direct download: AMA_309_Adam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with George Gammon, real estate investor, entrepreneur, investor and TV producer, about what's happening in the repo market and how that impacts the overall economy moving forward. The two address misconceptions about several aspects of investing and whether you should be happy or dismayed about certain aspects of the new Trump tax plan.

Key Takeaways:

[5:05] What is the repo market and why does it matter in the macroeconomic world?

[10:44] Money market funds are big players in the repo market

[13:20] The only "cheap" investment in today's economy is a 30 year fixed rate mortgage

[17:19] The new tax law has changed the way inflation is dealt with, and George doesn't think it'll be good long term


Direct download: AMA_308_George_Gammon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman’s investment counselor, Adam Schroeder, talks with one the network’s lenders to discuss what mortgage rates are in today’s market. The two discuss current events and the impact that those events might have on available rates with the hypothetical purchase price of $100,000.



Direct download: AMA_307_Mortgage_Rate_Update_February_2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jason Hartman and economist Thomas look back on the 2010s to see what the biggest stories were for investors. From the War on Terror to Obamacare to the aftermath of the Great Recession, it was a decade fraught with ups and downs that provided opportunities for investors to make good money.

Key Takeaways:

[4:30] The 10th biggest story of the decade: the War on Terror explodes the deficit

[7:37] Why European debt issues will come to the fore in 2022

[11:54] The idea of Purchasing Power Parity and what it says about China's economy vs the US

[15:59] As much as Jason doesn't like Obamacare, it makes the list of Top Stories of the 2010s

[26:09] What Jason learned years ago during his day as a lobbyist

[28:26] Thomas is seeing at least a 15% drop in the market coming when the Fed decides to let risk enter the market again


Direct download: AMA_306_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

Jason Hartman and economist Thomas look back at some of the happenings of 2019 and then try to envision what's going to be happening in 2020. The primary thing being discussed today is the yield curve. There is constant talk about how a negative yield curve signals recessions, but how long does it have to be negative? Were we inverted too long in 2019? How long before we see the results of the negativity? Jason and Thomas try to answer all these and more.

Key Takeaways:

[4:13] What does the yield curve exploding mean?

[7:17] Why an economist is saying that real estate is less risky than stocks in 2020

[12:36] Hybrid markets had a good 2019 and look like they'll have a good 2020 as well

[13:38] A CNBC clip about the yield curve

[18:14] The Fed has the dual mandate of moderate to low inflation with maximum employment, but they seem to consider financial stability as a 3rd mandate


Direct download: AMA_305_Thomas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST

Jason Hartman and Rabbi Evan Moffic take today to review "the best decade in human history". As 2019 ends and we look forward to 2020, Jason and Evan discuss how the real estate market has transformed since 2010. They also examine the mindset of investors that invested through the Great Recession. Lawrence Yun's expectations for 2020 are also dissected.

Key Takeaways:

[3:16] We are wrapping up the best decade in human history

[6:48] What qualities did the people who invested in real estate through the Great Recession have?

[11:56] Lawrence Yun's 2019 real estate year in review

[15:50] Climate change has caused the Northwest Passage to open up, which is huge for shipping

[18:51] Yun's prediction for the housing market in 2020

[24:26] Will the flow of people to cheaper cost of living states continue in the 20s?

[29:34] The "Collapse of Brands"


Direct download: AMA_304_Evan_Moffic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Jason Hartman talks with NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of African Energy Chamber, CEO of Centurion Law Group, and author of the new book Billions At Play: The Future Of African Energy And Doing Deals, about the development that's happening inside Africa. Many outside of Africa view the continent with skepticism, but there's a big shift happening, especially in the banking sector (or lack thereof). Jason and NJ discuss some ways that Africa in general is beating first world countries, as well as how a shift toward property rights could go a long, long way toward more prosperity.

Key Takeaways:

[4:35] Africa may not have first world countries, but it has some infrastructure that's better than countries like the US

[8:03] Africa, unlike the United States, is not banking centric

[11:30] Money transfers have gotten so fast and easy that illiterate grandmothers are doing it

[15:10] What NJ views as the bedrock of a strong society


Direct download: AMA_NJ_Ayuk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST