American Monetary Association

Frances Donald, Senior Economist at Manulife Asset Management and Chief Economist at John Hancock Financial Services, explains to Jason the changes in consumer, investor, and executive sentiment numbers in the home and job market. While we don't know exactly why the economic is experiencing such a resurgence, Frances does attribute at least some of it to the potential policy changes Trump is looking to bring.

Frances and Jason also discuss pent up real estate demand, and how student loan debt is impacting that.

Key Takeaways:

[0:57] Investor sentiment gives a positive outlook for the US economy

[3:39] Is Trump the cause of the economic forecast?

[4:56] Rising interest rates present a challenge for the housing market

[7:57] Trump is inspiring confidence in companies all across the country

[9:38] Real estate investment is a small part of the total economy

[14:30] There are two true drivers of rental housing

[16:47] The housing and rental markets are not currently in their natural order

[20:26] The importance of demographics in relation to wage growth



There are fewer multipliers to growth from a rental market than there are from a housing market.

Direct download: AMA_179_Frances_Donald.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39am EST

Jason Hartman talks with James Dale Davidson, co-founder of Agora Publishing, Founder of the National Taxpayer’s Union, co-editor of Strategic Investment for the Sovereign Society, and founder of Newsmax. James has just written his newest book, The Breaking Point: Profit from the Coming Money Cataclysm. James believes that, in his lifetime, we are likely to see a massive marketplace disaster compliments of Obamacare, Chinese ghost towns, printing money, and other bad economic decisions.

Key Takeaways:

[1:20] The Western Civilization has a new business model and social contract

[5:57] Some of Trump's support came because middle class white voters are experiencing a decline in their life expectancy

[9:13] What does the US economy look like under a Trump presidency?

[10:27] James' latest book, The Breaking Point, examines the relationship between drug companies and the food industry.

[14:19] Some business savvy for our politicians would help them out a lot

[18:00] Bernie Sanders and Karl Marx share some similarities

[20:02] Fake capital lets people borrow money practically for free

[27:26] We can't keep passing the buck down generation after generation

[31:22] Chinese ghost towns used more cement in a dozen years than our entire country did in the 20th century

[37:27] Chile has provided most of the copper used by the Chinese

[40:48] We are staring into the face of the biggest economic crisis in history


The Breaking Point: Profit from the Coming Money Cataclysm

Direct download: AMA_178_James_Davidson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The housing market is always on a pendulum, but where are we now? Self driving cars are going to be changing the dynamics of our society, but are they going to push more people into the city or have more people moving to the suburbs? Jason Hartman and Matt Slepin, President of Terra Search Partners, discuss what is going on in real estate today, and how our changing environment is impacting real estate in the future.

Key Takeaways:

[2:36] Where Matt thinks we are in the business cycle, and whether we've overbuilt apartments

[6:49] The issues going on in the retail and office investment markets, and why apartment investing makes more sense these days

[11:13] The rise of the autonomous vehicles and how they will change the real estate demand equation

[15:29] What does Urban Land Institute do and what issues are being discussed?

[19:22] What Matt has learned in his real estate podcast

[22:51] Two conflicting trends in property management


Direct download: AMA_177_Matt_Slepin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

The Trump administration will bring changes to the real estate market. Legislation and regulation changes could help small and medium size banks while also increasing the amount of lending done by the biggest banks. Jason Hartman talks with Bob Pozen, Senior Lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management and former Associate General Counsel for the SEC, about these things, and what is realistic to expect under President Trump. Bob is author of Extreme Productivity and Too Big to Save.

Key Takeaways:

[2:11] Legislation that may be changed through banking system while Dodd-Frank is left as is.

[5:50] Small and medium sized banks need regulation relief

[7:33] Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are having problems because they were never made public or private

[11:13] FHA and VA insure all mortgages made by banks

[11:55] Real estate prices will rise as money flows into the market

[14:46] Rising rates will bring a temporary increase in home purchases, but will level off soon thereafter

[15:28] Pozen was chosen by President Bush to join a bipartisan commission to strengthen Social Security.

[17:00] Security and Exchange Commission has constraints regarding employees working for corporations after their service.

[19:22] Getting to the gist of Bob Pozen’s book Too Big to Fix.

[21:59] Peer-to-Peer lending is pretty much unregulated.

[23:38] As the economy strengthens banks should lend more.


Direct download: AMA_176_Bob_Pozen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm EST

Doug Casey is a (successful) speculator, a libertarian philosopher, and a best-selling author. He has a reputation for his sometimes controversial insights into politics, economics, and investments. His speculation is often called "rational speculation", and he's one of the authorities on the matter, and is highly regarded in the high-potential natural resource sector.

Doug's new book, Speculator, is a venture into fiction, a departure for him. Jason Hartman and Doug discuss the new book, how to be an international man today, and real estate all over the world.

Key Takeaways:

[1:45] A quick rundown of Doug's new book Speculator

[4:40] Speculator is the first in a series, and has some main topics that Doug explores.

[8:35] Doug's book International Man made him semi-famous and is the most sold book in Rhodesian history

[12:30] The world's move toward the singularity

[15:50] The scam that is college education and tuition

[20:20] Diversifying yourself internationally

[24:20] Is the world flat now?

[29:00] We're at the beginning of the next crash while riding the tail of the previous crash


Speculator: High Ground

"The economy is falling apart again, but this time it's going to be much different, and much worse"

Direct download: AMA_175_Doug_Casey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST